Monday, January 31, 2011

I was’ant paying anttention.

When I joined, I did not take food from the queen, I just had 0 until transferred 3 food to myself from the queen as a weekly action. I did not realize this until today. Should I take any action to fix this, or no? Also, would a CfJ be in order (with something specific to vote on?)

Proposal: Ascendantsy

Reached quorum 11 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 01 Feb 2011 06:52:33 UTC

Add a new rule, “Victory”:

The Queen is not an Ant for the purposes of this rule.

One Ant may be the Ascendant. If, at noon on the 17th of February, there is an Ascendant, that Ant has achieved victory.

* If exactly one Ant is Expectant, that Ant is the Ascendant.
* Otherwise, if there are Obediant Ants, the Obediant Ant with the highest CP is the Ascendant.
* Otherwise, if there are no Obediant Ants and there are Delinquant Ants, the Delinquant with the lowest CP is the Ascendant.
* Otherwise, if there are neither Obediant ants nor Delinquant Ants, there is no Ascendant.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Proposal: I didn’t realize it would do that.

Self-Killed - Chivalrybean

Adminned at 30 Jan 2011 08:25:13 UTC

In the rule Weather, change the following text

They shall then add to the top of the Weather page the new weather condition and sign it with current date/time (use Chivalrybean 03:34, 30 Jan 2011 (GMT)).


They shall then add to the top of the Weather page the new weather condition and sign it with current date/time (use the Signature with Timestamp button.)


Story Post: Give it a whack

Have ant you!

I smacked the spider. It bit Roujo.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Proposal: Let the rain come down

Enacted 9-0 - Chivalrybean

Adminned at 29 Jan 2011 19:32:50 UTC

Create a new Wiki page called Weather.
Create a new rule called Weather:

The [[Weather]] wiki page contains the history of all the weather conditions, with their submission date/time.
The current Weather is the last submitted in the Weather page.
If the Weather has never been changed on the current week, any Ant may change it by rolling DICE3.
- on 1 the Weather becomes Sunny;
- on 2 Rainy;
- on 3 Snowy.
They shall then add to the top of the Weather page the new weather condition and sign it with current date/time (use ~~~~).

Roll a DICE3 and set the Weather as described in the new rule.

The Wiki idea is from Chivalry.
Sadly following real weather was a cool but impossible idea.

Come here, you coward!

You big coward, attack me if you dare!

Rolling Dice6, to determine the affected ant. Numbers are allocated to ants acording to their position in GNDT in descending order.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Proposal: Anttack!

Enacted. For 7 Against 0 -Chivalrybean

Adminned at 28 Jan 2011 19:37:28 UTC

Append the following text to the rule NPCs

An NPC can be a Friend, an Enemy, or Neutral. Thus must be noted in the subrule describing an NPC. The text of NPC subrules shall contain what happens when that NPC is provoked (even if it is nothing,) or it may state that that NPC cannot be provoked.

Append the following text to the rule The Queen

The Queen is a Friend. The Queen cannot be provoked.

Append the following text as a new paragraph to the rule Dropping and Using:

As a weekly action, an Ant who is carrying a Twig may increase their CP by 5 to smack an Enemy NPC and reduce their (the NPC’s) health by 5. If the NPC’s health is reduced zero (0) or less, the ant that smacked the NPC shall increase their CP by 5. If the NPC’s health is 1 or greater after being smacked, it shall be provoked as stated in the subrule for that NPC.

Create a new rule named Provoking NPCs as a subrule of NPCs that includes the following text.

As a weekly action, and ant who is in the same location as an NPC may provoke that NPC.

If a subrule named “The Spider” exists, change it’s text from

The Spider is always Above Ground. As a weekly action, an Ant who is Above Ground may Provoke the Spider. When provoked, the Spider assaults a random Ant who is above ground (which may be the provoker) and reduces that Ant’s health by 10. If this causes an Ant to become dead, the Spider gains 1 food.


The Spider is always Above Ground. When provoked, the Spider assaults a random Ant who is above ground (which may be the provoker) and reduces that Ant’s health by 10. If this causes an Ant to become dead, the Spider gains 1 food. The Spider is an Enemy.


Creates categories for NPCs, allows ants to attack Enemy NPCs. Adjusts rules to be voted on if they exist when this rule is enacted. Makes other various adjustments to the rules to make the new rules to work and old rules to comply with new ones.

Proposal: Weather again

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 27 Jan 2011 11:32:19 UTC

Add the object that can be found in proposal “It is not always summer!” to the main page of the Blog or to any page linked to it.
Add a new rule “Weather”:

The colony is said to be located in Central Park, New York City, NY, US.
The Weather can be Sunny, Rainy and Snowy.
The only way to define the current Weather is to check the Weather Box (WB). If in the picture under “Right now” there are rain drops or lightings, it may be changed to Rainy; if there are snow flakes to Snowy and if there is not any of them to Sunny.
To change the current weather, as a weekly action any Ant may create a new post with title containing “Weather Update” and the new Weather, indicating that the Weather becomes the condition shown on the WB, and linking screenshot of the whole WB. The WB clock in the picture shall prove that the picture has been taken at most 10 minutes earlier than the Weather Update posting. The weather will be that until next Weather Update post or anyway for no more than 48 hours from the last Update, after which it will become Sunny. A Weather Update post may contain the same Weather condition as the previous. The Sandbox Master may always post a Weather Update without need to follow the WB nor to add a screenshot. In that case no Weather Update can be posted by any Ant for 48 hours or until the Sandbox Master post a comment on his own Weather Update containing the against icon, or if it is in the text of the Update. If a Weather Update is said to be against the rules and thus invalid, an admin shall segnal it in the admin block of the said post.
The Weather Box is a Flash application that can be found linked to (or in) the main page.

In the rule Weather change the last sentence to reflect the actual location of the Weather Box, and link it.
Set the Weather to Sunny.

I hope it is not a problem to get and link screenshots. The weekly action is to prevent Weather battles that could become annoying, as weather changes quite faster than every 48 hours.
I’m posting many failing proposals, so if someone feel irritated by my too high posting frequency just tell me.


If I had read William’s comments and had a chance to respond before it was failed, I might have changed my vote. I didn’t understand the intent at the time.

Proposal: Ant Nauseam

Passes at 9-0. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 27 Jan 2011 00:10:47 UTC

Add a new rule, “Double Antendre”:

Each Ant has an Antribute, which is tracked in the GNDT. New Ants start as Obediant. The different Antributes are:

* Obediant.
* Delinquant. Whenever an Obediant Ant starts carrying a Twig, they become Delinquant.
* Inantimate. Whenever an Ant becomes dead, they also become Inantimate.
* Reincarnant. Whenever an Ant ceases to be dead, they become Reincarnant.
* Expectant. Mature Queens are always Expectant.

Create a GNDT column for Antributes. Set every Ant’s Antribute to Obediant, and the Queen’s to Expectant.


Macgeorge and Oze idle out after a week of inactivity. Their food is transferred to the Queen, and quorum drops to 8.

Proposal: Six Legs Good, Eight Legs Bad

Passes at 10-0 with one unresolved DEF. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 27 Jan 2011 00:07:30 UTC

Add a new subrule to ‘NPCs’, “The Spider”

The Spider is always Above Ground. As a weekly action, an Ant who is Above Ground may Provoke the Spider. When provoked, the Spider assaults a random Ant who is above ground (which may be the provoker) and reduces that Ant’s health by 10. If this causes an Ant to become dead, the Spider gains 1 food.

Create the Spider in the gndt. It is above Ground and has 50 health. All other statistics shall be zero or blank.

Remove the following from “Health”:

As a daily action, may increase their health by two if they are underground or one if they are above ground.

Adding an outside threat, and removing the daily health increase.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Proposal: It is not always summer!

Can’t reach quorum with 9 votes against, without a change of vote. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 26 Jan 2011 05:02:18 UTC

Add this object to the main page of the Blog or in any page linked to it:

Add a new rule “Weather”:

The colony is said to be located in Central Park, New York City, NY, US.
The Weather can be Sunny, Rainy and Snowy.
The only way to define the current Weather is to check the Weather Box. If in the picture under “Right now” there are rain drops or lightings, it is Rainy; if there are snow flakes it is Snowy and if there is not any of them it is Sunny. The Weather can be Snowy and Rainy at the same time.
The Weather Box is a Flash application that can be found linked to (or in) the main page.

In the rule Weather change the last sentence to reflect the actual location of the Weather Box, and link it.

I hope I’m not the only one that has seen Ant Z, but I suppose not.
This could add a little of unpredictability in the game without need to roll too many dice. And it is hard to find a more chaotic system than Weather.
We could say that during Rain Ants must pay twice as much food to follow trails, add special action (wash the colony) or something. If you don’t like NY weather we can change it.
Oh and I choose that site because it was the best for my purposes, I do not want to publicize anyone.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I’m back!

Been an age since I’ve been here, but I am back. It’ll take a while to get into the swing on things, but I’m sure it will all come back to me. I do believe I’m an ant now ...

Proposal: We are the Chantpions

Can’t reach quorum with 8 votes against, without a change of vote. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 26 Jan 2011 05:01:48 UTC

Create a new rule, called “Victory”, with the following text:

If there is ever exactly one Ant whose Caste is capable of carrying, that Ant achieves victory.


Purplebeard threw an egg at me, and gave me this idea for a victory condition.

Plugin not working

Hi! I installed last week the Firefox script to track comments, and it worked very well. I came back from holidays (after logging in with several other PCs) and it does not work! I tried restarting FF, installing and uninstalling it, logging in and out. Any suggestions?

Proposal: We are not alone! 2

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 26 Jan 2011 05:00:05 UTC

If exists a wiki page called “Trails” rename it as “Trails and Enemies”, update every occurrence of the old name in the Ruleset and split the wiki page in two sections, “Trails” and “Enemies”
In Rule Trails Replace:

As a weekly action, an Ant who is Above Ground and who has at least 1 Food by spending 1 food may search the surroundings by rolling DICEX, where X is 5 plus the amount of existing Trails. If the result is 3 or less, they succeed, and may create a new Trail. If the result is 4 or 5, they get lost and lose 1 additional Food. If the result is greater than 5, they find a resource that has already been discovered, and nothing happens.


As a weekly action, an Ant who is Above Ground and who has at least 2 Food by spending 1 Food may search the surroundings by rolling DICEX, where X is 6 plus the amount of existing Trails. If the result is 3 or less, they succeed, and may create a new Trail. If the result is 4 or 5, they get lost and lose 1 additional Food, in that case they can perform this action one more time this week after the day after. If the result is greater than 5, they meet an Enemy and shall thus create it (see Enemies).

Create a new rule “Enemies”

An Enemy is a NPC with given Health and Strength to be fought by the Ants. They may have special abilities. They are not listed in the GNDT but in the section “Enemies” of the wiki page “[[Trails and Enemies]]”. The Ant that discovers the Enemy shall create it.
When an Ant shall create a new Enemy they shall do as follow:
To find the distance of the Enemy from the colony roll DICEY where Y is the number of living Enemies plus the number of Corpse Trails.
To find what Species of Enemy the Ant will meet they must roll DICE10.
- on 1 or 2 they meet another Enemy ant, with Health 15, Strength 8. Enemy ants shall be considered Enemies and not Ants.
- on 3 or 4 a Spider with Health 15 and Strength 10.
- on 5 a Scorpion with Health 20 and Strength 15.
- on 6 a Centipede with Health 25 and Strength 12.
- on 7 a Snail with Health 30 and Strength 9;
- on 8 a Little Newborn Mouse with Health 40 and Strength 13;
- on 9 a Ladybird that flies away, and they feel so lucky in having seen such a terrible and blood thirsty animal (and having survived to tell the story) that they get 1 Food and 2 Health.
- on 10 they get squeezed by a Larger Animal and die.
Larger Animals and Ladybirds are not Enemies.
Eventually they shall give it a Name, containing the Species name (eg. Johnny the Enemy ant for an Enemy ant).
Every alive Enemy must be listed on the wiki page with Name, Strength, Health, list of Fighters and discover date/time.
The Ant that found an Enemy shall begin to fight it without paying any food.

Add a new rule, “Combat”:

If an Enemy has been found less than 48 hours before (2 days) any Soldier or Worker wich is AboveGround may start Fighting it by spending its distance from the colony in Food. They shall write their name in the Enemy Fighters list in the wiki and change their location to Fighting.
48 hours after the discovery any Ant may Resolve the Fight. They shall roll DICEZ, where Z is twice the enemy’s Strength minus the number of Ants in the fight*, for every Ant involved and subtract the result from each Ant’s Health. Then they must roll a DICE6 for every Ant involved, sum the results together and add 5 for every Soldier involved. If the result is bigger than the Creature’s Healt the Creature dies, if not it flees. In both cases they shall remove the Enemy from the list. They shall add 10 CP to every survived Ant if the Enemy dies or 5 if it flees, and they may add up to 4 CP to themselves.
If the Enemy died they shall create a new Corpse Trail with the same name of the Enemy. It shall have the same Distance as the Enemy and Size equal to the Enemy’s health divided by 5 plus the number of dead Ants in that Fight. Corpse Trails are like Filling Trails under any aspect, but the Ants that are in Fighting location but not listed in any Enemy on the wiki can follow the Trail created with their last Fight for free, if it exists. They shall then change their location to AboveGround.
Ants in Fighting location may not use any action described in the Dynastic Rules except Resolving a Fight and Following a Trail, but only in the way described in this Rule, and they may leave to AboveGround, if they are not listed as Fighting in the wiki page.
*: Z=2*(enemystrength-antsnumber)

This is quite massive, and I know that the Combat sistem is really slow, but it is the best way I found to make it cohoperative, we can go killing together or to save someone else. Oh I put a little bit of flavour I hope you will not hate it ;) The enemies can get really many and different: I thought to make the Scorpion and the Spider poisonous but it would have been way too much for a single Proposal…
The enemies are quite unbalanced. I want to try it once or twice before improving them.

Proposal: We are not alone!

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 25 Jan 2011 07:32:23 UTC

If exists a wiki page called “Trails” rename it “Trails and Creatures”, update every occurence of the old name in the Ruleset and split it in two sections, “Trails” and “Creatures”
In Rule Trails Replace:

As a weekly action, an Ant who is Above Ground and who has at least 1 Food by spending 1 food may search the surroundings by rolling DICEX, where X is 5 plus the amount of existing Trails. If the result is 3 or less, they succeed, and may create a new Trail. If the result is 4 or 5, they get lost and lose 1 additional Food. If the result is greater than 5, they find a resource that has already been discovered, and nothing happens.


As a weekly action, an Ant who is Above Ground and who has at least 1 Food by spending 1 food may search the surroundings by rolling DICEX, where X is 6 plus the amount of existing Trails. If the result is 3 or less, they succeed, and may create a new Trail. If the result is 4 or 5, they get lost and lose 1 additional Food. If the result is greater than 5, they meet one or more Creature, and thus they must create it on the “Trails and Creatures” wiki page.
To find what Species of Creature the Ant will meet they must roll DICE10.
- on 1 or 2 they meet another enemy ant, with Health 15, Strength 3. Enemy ants shall be considered Creatures and not Ants.
- on 3 or 4 a Spider with Health 10 and Strength 5.
- on 5 a Scorpion with Health 15 and Strength 9.
- on 6 a Centipede with Health 30 and Strength 7.
- on 7 a Snail with Health 40 and Strength 2;
- on 8 a Little Newborn Mouse with Health 60 and Strength 1;
- on 9 a Ladybird that flies away, and they feel so lucky in having seen such a terrible and blood thirsty animal (and having survived to tell the story) that they get 1 Food.
- on 10 they get squeezed by a Larger Animal and die.
Every Creature except Ladybirds and Larger Animals must be written on the wiki page with Species, Strength and Health.
The Ant that found a Creature must begin to combat them.

Proposal: It’s a cruel world!

Reached quorum 10 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 25 Jan 2011 07:31:07 UTC

In the rule “Starvation” replace:

As a weekly action, and only if it hasn’t been done before this week, any Ant may decrease each Ant’s food, excluding the Queen’s, by two.


As a weekly action, and only if it hasn’t been done before this week, any Ant may decrease each Ant’s food by two.

In the rule “Health” replace:

An Ant’s health can never exceed its starting health. Same applies also for Creatures.


An Ant’s health can never exceed its starting health as defined in the Rule “Castes”. When the Cast of an Ant is changed, set its health to the starting health of the new caste.  Same applies also for Creatures.


Removing ambiguity regarding the starting health from the ruleset.
In my opinion also the Queen should need to eat. Additionally, this prevents a stalemate, as the dynasty can’t go into a meta when only the queen has food and none of the ants.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Proposal: The rotten apple

Can’t be enacted with 8 votes AGAINST, without a change of vote. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 23 Jan 2011 09:02:10 UTC

Add a new rule: “The spy” in Dynasty Rules:

Once during the Dynasty and anyway before 26.01.2010 00:00 the Sandbox Master shall choose an Ant to be the Spy, by sending her a Private message with Subject “You are the Spy” and any content. She is a spy from another anthill, and works for the ruin of the Queen realm.

If a rule named “Master of the sands of time” doesn’t exist, create it reading as follows:

The Sandbox Master is not considered to be an Ant for any dynastic rule.

Ok this may be a solution for the Metadynasty problem, If the ants don’t manage to get the food (or any other task) in time the Spy wins. It’s not original but better than nothing. Anyway In my idea the spy is not killing anyone ;) (not during night at least)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Proposal: Anti-establishmantariantism

Reached quorum 11 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 23 Jan 2011 09:00:01 UTC

Repeal “Master of sands of time”.

If the ant named Clucky has any undefined statistic, set it to the value new Ants receive.

Change the first paragraph of “Starvation” to the following:

As a weekly action, and only if it hasn’t been done before this week, any Ant may decrease each Ant’s food, excluding the Queen’s, by two.

Clucky doesn’t have much to do as Sandbox Master, so he might as well play along with the rest of us. This also doubles the weekly food decrease, and lets anyone enforce it, in order to put a modicum of pressure on the colony.

By the way, Clucky’s food was set to 4 by proposal (which evades rule 2.1) so there’s no need to give him food from the Queen.

Proposal: Assault and Antery

Reached quorum 9 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 21 Jan 2011 11:54:27 UTC

Change the first sentence of “Товарищ” to:

Each ant has an amount of Comradery points (CP) which may hold any integer value and is tracked in the GNDT.

Change the last paragraph of “Dropping and Using” to:

As a weekly action, an Ant who is carrying a Twig may decrease their CP by 5 to smack another Ant and reduce their (the other Ant’s) health by 5.

Reproposing per Kevan’s suggestions.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Proposal: Unjustifiable Anticide

Self-Killed. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 20 Jan 2011 00:00:33 UTC

Change the first sentence of “Товарищ” to:

Each ant has an amount of Comradery points (CP) which may hold any integer value and is tracked in the GNDT.

Add to the same rule:

Whenever an Ant causes another Ant to become dead, their CP is decreased by 10.

To clarify: this allows CP to go negative.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Caught In The Rain

Wakukee idles after 7 days of inactivity. Quorum drops to 8.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Proposal: Comradry II

Passes at 9-1 with 2 unresolved DEFs. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 19 Jan 2011 05:57:20 UTC

Create a rule called “Товарищ”:

Each ant has an amount of Comradry points (CP) which are tracked in the GNDT. All ants start with zero CP. For any positive amount food which an ant gives to another ant or a Creature, the CP of the giving ant may be increased by 1 for each unit of food. For any positive amount food which an ant receives from another ant or a Creature, the CP of the receiving ant must be decreased by 1 for each unit of food.

In rule “Trails” replace:

As a weekly action, an Ant who is Above Ground and who has at least 1 Food may search the surroundings by rolling DICEX, where X is 5 plus the amount of existing Trails. If the result is 3 or less, they succeed, and may create a new Trail. If the result is 4 or 5, they get lost and lose 1 Food. If the result is greater than 5, they find a resource that has already been discovered, and nothing happens.


As a weekly action, an Ant who is Above Ground and who has at least 1 Food by spending 1 food may search the surroundings by rolling DICEX, where X is 5 plus the amount of existing Trails. If the result is 3 or less, they succeed, and may create a new Trail. If the result is 4 or 5, they get lost and loose 1 additional Food. If the result is greater than 5, they find a resource that has already been discovered, and nothing happens.


This should give incentive to foraging. What we do with the CP points I leave open for discussion. Also a small fix for the trails. Foraging should use food whether successful or not.
@Kevan: Looking forward to your FOR ;-) A little bit clumsy now, but should be OK.

Proposal: Comradry

Self-Killed. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 19 Jan 2011 05:56:40 UTC

Create a rule called “Товарищ”:

Each ant has an amount of Comradry points (CP) which are tracked in the GNDT. All ants start with zero CP. For any positive amount food which an ant gives to another ant or the queen, this ant may increase its CP by 1 for each unit of food. For any positive amount food which an ant receives from another ant or the queen, this ant must decrease its CP by 1 for each unit of food

In rule “Trails” replace:

As a weekly action, an Ant who is Above Ground and who has at least 1 Food may search the surroundings by rolling DICEX, where X is 5 plus the amount of existing Trails. If the result is 3 or less, they succeed, and may create a new Trail. If the result is 4 or 5, they get lost and lose 1 Food. If the result is greater than 5, they find a resource that has already been discovered, and nothing happens.


As a weekly action, an Ant who is Above Ground and who has at least 1 Food by spending 1 food may search the surroundings by rolling DICEX, where X is 5 plus the amount of existing Trails. If the result is 3 or less, they succeed, and may create a new Trail. If the result is 4 or 5, they get lost and loose 1 additional Food. If the result is greater than 5, they find a resource that has already been discovered, and nothing happens.


This should give incentive to foraging. What we do with the CP points I leave open for discussion. Also a small fix for the trails. Foraging should use food whether successful or not.

Proposal: Antagonism

Times out and passes at 7-2 with 3 unresolved DEFs. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 19 Jan 2011 05:55:57 UTC

Add the following to “Dropping and Using”:

As a weekly action, an Ant who is carrying a Twig may smack another Ant and reduce the latter’s health by 5.

Proposal: Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Ant

Reached quorum, 8-0 -Darth

Adminned at 18 Jan 2011 07:30:11 UTC

If the Proposal titled “There are no super Ants II” failed, this Proposal does nothing.

Add to the description of Honeypot Ants:

Honeypot Ants may not change their own food value through any means but the following: as a weekly action, a Honeypot Ant may transfer up to 5 food from themself to another Ant who is Underground. If a Honeypot Ant ever has 6 food or less, they become a Worker.

This part is missing in the proposal that’s about to pass.

State of the dynasty

This dynasty has once again hit the point of lots of cool starting mechanics and then no where to go from there. My plan of having everyone working together got shot down. Does anyone have a good idea of where to go from here / how to make this dynasty interesting again? I’ll try to come up with something tomorrow, but haven’t had much luck in the quick thought I’ve given it just now.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Idle meh.

Please make iqforu idle.

I’ll be back….

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Back from Safari

Please de-idle Subrincinator.

Proposal: There are no super Ants II

Timed out 8 votes to 0 with one unresolved DEF. Enacted by Kevan.

The instruction to “Set the health of all Ants to the starting health.” is ambiguous, and can be read as “the starting health for their caste” or “the health that ant started at”. I’ll assume it meant the former - raise a CfJ if you disagree.

Adminned at 17 Jan 2011 08:12:53 UTC

If the proposal “No SuperAnts” fails, this proposal does nothing.
Reword the rule “Castes” to the following:

All Ants have a Caste, which is tracked in the GNDT and determines their role in the Colony. New Ants start as Workers. The different Castes are:

  * Worker. By far the most numerous inhabitants of the colony, these small females carry out most daily tasks of the colony, including foraging, brood care and nest upkeep. Workers may have up to 6 food. Workers start with a health of 15.
  * Soldier. These larger females with giant heads are primarily concerned with the defense of the colony, but they will generally act as workers if no enemies are nearby. Soldiers are limited to 4 food maximum, and their large mandibles make them unfit for carrying anything but Leafs, Twigs and Crumbs. Soldiers start with a health of 30.
  * Honeypot. These ants have been gorged with food by workers, and essentially serve as living food storage. Honeypot ants may not carry anything and may not go Above Ground. They may have up to 50 food. Honeypots start with a health of 8.
  * Drone. The only males in the colony, these small winged ants are cared for by the others and prepared for the nuptial flight, where they will attempt to mate with virgin queens. Drones may have up to 5 food, and can only carry Sugar, Crumbs and Mould. Drones start with a health of 10.
  * Virgin Queen. These winged fertile females have not yet mated, and are awaiting the nuptial flight so that they can mate and start a new colony. Virgin Queens may have up to 7 food and may not carry anything. Virgin Queens start with a health of 8
  * Mature Queen. The mother of and most important ant in the colony, this queen has been fertilized and no longer has wings. As her sole purpose is to reproduce, a Mature Queen may not carry anything. Mature Queens may have up to 50 food. Mature Queens start with a health of 40.

In the rule “Health”, remove the sentence:

New ants start at ten health.

Set the health of all Ants to the starting health.

Defining a maximum health each cast may have. MAx health for each caste is up to discussion. The values reflect my opinion

No Developments

Dev hasn’t posted or commented in over a week, and goes idle. Quorum remains 9.


Idling out. Quorum drops to 9.

Proposal: Name Changes Must Be Approved

Passes at 11-0. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 17 Jan 2011 00:07:31 UTC

If there exists an Ant named “Elia”, and that Ant votes FOR this proposal, and there does not exist an Ant named “Ely”, change the name of the Ant named “Elia” to “Ely”.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The ant formerly known as Elia

I just wanted to bring to attention the following: Elia has changed the name to Ely, and therefore shows up as idle!

If you want to change your name this is done normally by proposal. At least, an admin should be informed.

Proposal: The Proposal is back! (and now it is a proposal)

Times out and fails at 1-6 with 2 unresolved DEFs. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 17 Jan 2011 00:06:40 UTC


As a daily action, an Ant who is above ground may Follow a Trail by spending food equal to that Trail’s Distance. An Ant who Follows a Plant trail may reduce its Size by one to start carrying a Leaf or a Twig. An Ant who Follows a Filling Trail may reduce its Size by one to start carrying a Crumb. An Ant who Follows a Tasty Trail may reduce its Size by 1 to start carrying Sugar, and/or reduce its Size by 1 to increase their Food to 5.

from 2.3 Carrying to 2.6 Trails
Add a new point in Dynasty Rules: “Teams”

Once in a week a Soldier may create a Team giving it a Name and becoming its Leader. All the Teams must be listed in the Teams page in the wiki, with Name, Leader and Components. Any Worker or Soldier can join a Team by consuming 1 food by writing their name in the wiki page under the Team name. An Ant can be at most in 1 Team at a time. An Ant can leave a Team at any moment by removing her name from the list in the wiki.
When in a Team, an Ant may not follow Trails, but when the Leader follows a Trail all the Ants who are in his Team and are Above Ground follow that Trail too, with all the consequences of the case, that the Leader shall change on their stats. If the Trail Size is lower than the number of the Ants in the Team, then the Leader may choose who will carry the resources obtained.
If an Ant dies or stops being Soldier or Worker she shall leave her Team, if she has one. If the Leader of a Team changes her Caste she must leave her Team.
If the Leader leaves her own Team the Team no longer exists and thus shall be deleted from the wiki page.

Create the page Teams in the wiki if it doesn’t exist.

Sorry, when I posted this proposal I was quite in a hurry, now I can do it properly. This is not to battle between Teams, but to perform tasks together, and could be used in battles against other insects or something. I used the word Team because my English is very poor and I could not find anything better. Oh and I choosed to use “she” referring to Ants because here no Drones are involved.

Proposal: I’m really hungry now!

Times out and fails narrowly at 5-5. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 17 Jan 2011 00:05:54 UTC

In the rule “Food” create a subrule “Hunger”:

The nutrition of each Ant or Creature is tracked in the GNDT under the column entitled “Condition”. In a decreasing order the condition of either Ant or Creature is “well fed”, “hungry”,“near death” or “dead”. New Ants start “well fed”.
If an Ant has had zero food for 24 hours, any Ant may decrease that Ant’s condition one step if no Ant has done so in the last 24 hours. As a daily action an Ant may decrease its food by 2 to increase its condition one step unless it is dead.

In the rule “Health” replace:

If an ant’s health is ever zero, the ant is said to be dead.


If an ant’s health is ever zero, set its condition to dead.

All ants are now “well fed”.

So now every one can do it. At the moment there is a quite high supply of food, so the chance that an ant is running out of food is quite low, as you can go underground and visit the queen. Therefore it is only a small problem if your are not watching the blog for a few day, as your food supply is reduced only on a weekly basis. So there is only a penalty if you have no food.

Moving a rule and implementing teams (not to battle!)


As a daily action, an Ant who is above ground may Follow a Trail by spending food equal to that Trail’s Distance. An Ant who Follows a Plant trail may reduce its Size by one to start carrying a Leaf or a Twig. An Ant who Follows a Filling Trail may reduce its Size by one to start carrying a Crumb. An Ant who Follows a Tasty Trail may reduce its Size by 1 to start carrying Sugar, and/or reduce its Size by 1 to increase their Food to 5.

from 2.3 Carrying to 2.6 Trails
Add a new point: Teams

Once in a week a Soldier can create a Team giving it a Name and becoming its Leader. All the Teams must be written in the Teams page in the wiki. Any Worker or Soldier can join a Team by consuming 1 food by writing theirs name in the wiki page under the Team name. An Ant may be at most in 1 Team at a time. An Ant can leave a Team at any moment by removing its name from the list. When in a Team, an Ant may not follow Trails. When the Leader follows a Trail all the Ants who are in his Team and are Above Ground are following that Trail too, with all the consequences of the case that the Leader may change on theirs stats. If in the Trails are available less resources than the number of the Ants in the Team, then the Leader chooses who will carry them. If the Leader leaves his own Team the Team no longer exists and thus may be deleted from the wiki page.

Create the page Teams in the wiki if it doesn’t exist.

This is not to battle between Teams, but to perform tasks together, and could be used in battles against other insects or something. I used the word Team because my English is very poor and I could not find anything better.

Proposal: Couch Potatoes

Times out and passes at 8-0 with one unresolved DEF. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 17 Jan 2011 00:03:02 UTC

Add to the first paragraph of “Food”:

However, an Ant may transfer exactly 6 food from themself to a Worker other than themself who possessed exactly 6 food before this action to change the latter’s Caste to Honeypot. This action may only be performed if both Ants are Underground.

Change the last paragraph of “Food” to read:

As a weekly action, an Ant who is Underground may transfer up to 3 food from the Queen or a Honeypot Ant to themself.

Add to the description of Honeypot ants:

Honeypot Ants may not change their own food value through any means but the following: as a weekly action, a Honeypot Ant may transfer up to 5 food from themself to another Ant who is Underground. If a Honeypot Ant ever has 6 food or less, they become a Worker.


Proposal: She’s Not Just Here For Show

Times out and passes 11-0. -Bucky

Adminned at 16 Jan 2011 20:15:50 UTC

Add to “Carrying”:

As a weekly action, and only when the Queen has 15 food or more, an Ant who is Underground and is able to carry Eggs may reduce the Queen’s food by 10 to start carrying an Egg.

Add to “Dropping and Using”:

An Ant may drop an Egg to change the Caste of any Worker in their location (including themself) to Soldier, Drone or Virgin Queen.

A way to promote yourself, or hamstring other Ants by turning them into a less useful caste (until they die and come back as workers). Also provides a way for malicious Ants to deplete the Queen’s stockpile much more quickly than the glacial hunger trigger, which could eventually be an incentive for us to turn to honeypot ants for secure food storage.

Proposal: A caste above the rest

Reached quorum 9 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 15 Jan 2011 12:50:58 UTC

In the rule called “NPC’s” change the subrule called “The Queen” from,

The queen counts as an ant for all dynastic rules, although she cannot take action unless the ruleset indicates another ant may take the action on her behalf. Unlike regular Ants, the Queen may have up to 50 food, representing the colony’s food supply.


The queen counts as an ant for all dynastic rules, although she cannot take an action unless the ruleset indicates another ant may take the action on her behalf. The Queen is part of the Mature Queen caste but does not have the caste’s normal food limit. Instead, the Queen may have up to 50 food. This represents the colony’s food supply.

Every time I read the rules I was always getting confused about the NPC queens food limit and the MQ castes limit so I decided to tweak the NPC so it states that she doesn’t share the same limit as her caste. And i also fixed a small grammar issue.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Proposal: No SuperAnts

Reached quorum 9 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 15 Jan 2011 12:50:06 UTC

2.8 Health

An Ant’s health can never exceed its starting health.
Same applies also for Creatures.

If not it could get very boring… And so newspawn ants don’t have such a big disadvantage.

Proposal: But I can’t see it!

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 15 Jan 2011 05:22:04 UTC

In the rule “Trails” change

If the result is greater than 5, they find a resource that has already been discovered, and nothing happens.


If the result is greater than 5, nothing happens.

What if there are no discovered resources?

Proposal: The early bird catches the worm

Reached quorum with 11 votes. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 15 Jan 2011 05:21:31 UTC

To the rule “Trails” add:

If possible an ant which discovers a new trail may immediately start to carry an object according to the type of that trail as described in rule “Carrying”.

Finding a source and returning empty handed is foolish.

Proposal: Of course you know, this means war!

Can’t reach quorum with 8 votes against, without a change of vote. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 15 Jan 2011 05:21:00 UTC

Part 1:
Add a dynastic rule entitled “Color”, with text as follows:

Each Ant has exactly one Color, which is either “Red” (which may be abbreviated “R”) or “Black” (which may be abbreviated “B”) and which cannot be changed.  Each Ant’s Color is to be tracked in the GNDT.  New Ants are assigned the Color that is the opposite of the color of the Ant that was listed the lowest in the GNDT table immediately prior to that new Ant becoming active.  If an Ant has a Color, becomes idle and then de-idles, that Ant has the same Color that he had immediately prior to becoming idle.

Part 2:
Upon the enactment of this Rule, each Ant then listed in the GNDT acquires a Color as follows: the Ant listed first in the GNDT table becomes Red, the next becomes Black, and so on alternating down the GNDT table until each Ant is assigned a Color.

The idea being that the number of Red and Black Ants ought to be as equal as practicable, at least at the outset.

Proposal: I’m so weak

Self-kiled -Darth

Adminned at 14 Jan 2011 08:27:03 UTC

If the proposal “Abundants” is failed this proposal does nothing.
In the rule “Food” create a subrule “Hunger”:

Each Ant or Creature is either “well fed” or “hungry”. This is tracked in the GNDT under the column entitled “Hunger”. New Ants start “well fed”. If an ant has had exactly zero food for 24 hours, it is considred “hungry”. Respectively after each 24 hours in which an ant has been “hungry” all the time, reduce the health of this ant by 3. An ant can consume 2 food to become “well fed”

All ants are now “well fed”.

The penalty is high as each ant can possibly regenerate.

Proposal: No negative food

Self-Killed. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 14 Jan 2011 00:38:41 UTC

2.5 Food: Change

Each ant and creature has an amount of food which is tracked in the GNDT and which may not exceed the limit for their Caste, or 5 if the Ant of Creature has no Caste. At any time, an ant may spend a positive amount of food and add the same amount to another Ant in the same Location, unless this action would make the latter exceed their maximum.


Each ant and creature has an amount of food which is tracked in the GNDT and which may not be less then 0 and may not exceed the limit for their Caste, or 5 if the Ant of Creature has no Caste. At any time, an ant may spend a positive amount of food and add the same amount to another Ant in the same Location, unless this action would make the latter exceed their maximum.

Just to avoid negative food that looks meaningless to me.

Proposal: Abundants

Reaches quorum and passes at 10-0 with one unresolved DEF. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 14 Jan 2011 00:36:53 UTC

Add to “Food”:

As a weekly action, an Ant who is Underground may transfer up to 2 food from the Queen to themself.

Add a subrule to “Food”, “Starvation”:

As a weekly action, the Sandbox Master may decrease each Ant’s food, excluding the Queen’s, by one.

When all Ants, including the Queen, have exactly zero food, the colony starves. If this happens, all proposals are failed and all dynastic rules are repealed, and a new dynasty begins with no Sandbox Master.

The weekly decrease should be fairly manageable for now, and will hopefully encourage us to divide the colony’s food intelligently.

Wiki Access

Just a friendly reminder, as it looks like part of the gameplay in this dynasty will take place in the wiki:

Editing wiki pages (like the Trails page) requires a a wiki account, which are not automatically given to new players. Consult the FAQ on how to get one. In a nutshell, contact one of the wiki admins (preferably an active one) and provide them with an e-mail address and they will create an account for you.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hi world!

Hello everyone I’m new can I get a player? Many thanks!

Proposal: Preparing for war

Quorumed 11-0 -Darth

Adminned at 13 Jan 2011 08:10:57 UTC

Add a new rule called “Health”

Each ant and creature has a stat called health which is tracked in the GNDT in a column also called health. New ants start at ten health. As a daily action, may increase their health by two if they are underground or one if they are above ground.

If an ant’s health is ever zero, the ant is said to be dead. An ant which is dead may not take any actions outlined in dynastic rules of the ruleset with the exception of the following sentence. If an ant has been dead for 24 hours, they may reset all of their stats tracked in the GNDT to that of a new ant and are no longer dead.

Set each ants health to ten. If any ants are dead, they are no longer dead and cannot reset their stats.


Sets up the basics of a potential combat mechanic. I’d like to see ya’ll working together to fight other creatures, but maybe allow you to fight other ants (or even the queen) but only if you want the rest of the nest to turn on you.

Proposal: Teamwork

Cannot be enacted w/o CoV, 1-10 -Darth

Adminned at 13 Jan 2011 08:10:41 UTC

In the rule “Trails” replace

Each trail entry must detail a Name, Type, Size and a Distance from the colony


Each trail entry must detail a Name, Type, Size, a Distance, and a list of ants currently following the trail from the colony

A ant on the list of ants currently following the trail is said to be following the trail. An ant may only follow one trail at any one time. If an
ant stops following a trail, their name is removed from the list of ants currently following the trail.

In the rule Carrying, replace

As a daily action, an Ant who is above ground may Follow a Trail by spending food equal to that Trail’s Distance. An Ant who Follows a Plant trail may reduce its Size by one to start carrying a Leaf or a Twig. An Ant who Follows a Filling Trail may reduce its Size by one to start carrying a Crumb. An Ant who Follows a Tasty Trail may reduce its Size by 1 to start carrying Sugar, and/or reduce its Size by 1 to increase their Food to 5.


As a daily action, an Ant who is above ground and not following a trail may Follow a Trail by spending food equal to that Trail’s Distance. The ant then adds his name to the list of following ants for that trail.

An ant may only follow a plant trail if number of ants currently following the trail is fewer than the size of the trail. If the number of ants currently following a plant trail is equal to the size of the trail, any ant following that trail may cause each ant following that trail to start carrying a leaf or a crumb and reduce the size of the trail to zero.

An Ant who is following a filling trail may reduce its Size by one to start carrying a Crumb and stop following the trail.

An Ant who is following a tasty trail may stop following the trail and reduce the trail’s size by 1 to start carrying Sugar, and/or stop following the trail and reduce the trail’s size by 1 to increase their Food to 5 (note that a trail’s size is not allowed to go negative in this manner)

An ant may stop following a trail at any time.

Want to get the ball rolling on some teamwork here.

Proposal: The Good Samaritant

Reaches quorum and passes at 11-0. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 13 Jan 2011 00:57:17 UTC

Add a subrule to ‘Carrying’, “Dropping and Using”:

To ‘drop’ an object is to cease carrying it. To ‘give’ an object to another Ant or Creature is to cease carrying it, and make that Ant or Creature start carrying it. An Ant may drop the object they are carrying at any time. Any Ant may give the object they are carrying to another Ant, provided that the latter is not currently carrying anything and is able to carry the object.

An Ant who is Underground may drop a Leaf to start carrying Mould. Any Ant may drop Mould or a Crumb to distribute up to 5 food among all Ants in their location, including themself, or drop Sugar to distribute up to 8 food.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Don’t drink, don’t smoke, what do you do?

Subtle innuendos follow, it must be something inside you.

Unidle me.

Proposal: Traditional Gender Roles

Passes at 12-0. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 12 Jan 2011 00:18:56 UTC

Reword the rule “Food”, or the first rule called “Food” if there are multiple, to the following:

Each ant and creature has an amount of food which is tracked in the GNDT and which may not exceed the limit for their Caste, or 5 if the Ant of Creature has no Caste. At any time, an ant may spend a positive amount of food and add the same amount to another Ant in the same Location, unless this action would make the latter exceed their maximum.

Whenever an Ant idles or leaves the game, all food they held is transferred to the Queen (up to her maximum), and they do not regain it if they de-idle. Whenever an Ant joins the game or de-idles, 4 food or all the Queen’s food, whichever is smaller, is transferred to them from the Queen.

Add to “The Queen”:

Unlike regular Ants, the Queen may have up to 50 food, representing the colony’s food supply.

Add a new rule, “Castes”:

All Ants have a Caste, which is tracked in the GNDT and determines their role in the Colony. New Ants start as Workers. The different Castes are:

* Worker. By far the most numerous inhabitants of the colony, these small females carry out most daily tasks of the colony, including foraging, brood care and nest upkeep. Workers may have up to 6 food.
* Soldier. These larger females with giant heads are primarily concerned with the defense of the colony, but they will generally act as workers if no enemies are nearby. Soldiers are limited to 4 food maximum, and their large mandibles make them unfit for carrying anything but Leafs, Twigs and Crumbs.
* Honeypot. These ants have been gorged with food by workers, and essentially serve as living food storage. Honeypot ants may not carry anything and may not go Above Ground. They may have up to 50 food.
* Drone. The only males in the colony, these small winged ants are cared for by the others and prepared for the nuptial flight, where they will attempt to mate with virgin queens. Drones may have up to 5 food, and can only carry Sugar, Crumbs and Mould.
* Virgin Queen. These winged fertile females have not yet mated, and are awaiting the nuptial flight so that they can mate and start a new colony. Virgin Queens may have up to 7 food.
* Mature Queen. The mother of and most important ant in the colony, this queen has been fertilized and no longer has wings. As her sole purpose is to reproduce, a Mature Queen may not carry anything. Mature Queens may have up to 8 food.

Set each Ant’s Caste to Worker, and the Queen’s to Mature Queen. Set the Queen’s food to 30.

Second non-core proposal. To my knowledge, no species of ant incorporates all these castes, but hey. Note that I did not include a way to change one’s Caste, because I couldn’t think of a fitting method. In nature, workers, soldiers and drones are simply born from eggs laid by the queen, new queens emerge in a prosperous colony from larvae that have received extra nourishment from workers, and honeypot ants are regular ants stuffed by workers to the point where their abdomens reach ridiculous sizes (these are only found in a couple of species, but they are simply too cool to leave out and might make for a neat way to ‘take out’ rival ants).

Monday, January 10, 2011

Proposal: Looks Like Rain

Reaches quorum and passes at 12-0. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 12 Jan 2011 00:15:27 UTC

In the Rule “Upstairs, Downstairs”, replace “New Ants start underground.” with:-

New Ants start Underground, and newly created Creatures start Above Ground unless otherwise specified.

Move all Ants and the Queen Underground.

“New Ants start underground” doesn’t cover where all of us grizzled one-day-old Ants start. (The current GNDT had some old “Location” information from a previous dynasty, when the field got added, so I’ve taken the opportunity to blank and archive the GNDT log. This means that most players have disappeared from it until they have some data assigned to them.)

Proposal: Ant Colony Optimization

Passes 11-0—Clucky

Adminned at 11 Jan 2011 10:20:30 UTC

Add a new rule, “Trails”:

The [[Trails]] wiki page contains the trails the ant colony has found that lead to useful resources. Each trail entry must detail a Name, Type, Size and a Distance from the colony. When a Trail’s Size is reduced to 0, remove its entry from the page.

As a weekly action, an Ant who is Above Ground and who has at least 1 Food may search the surroundings by rolling DICEX, where X is 5 plus the amount of existing Trails. If the result is 3 or less, they succeed, and may create a new Trail. If the result is 4 or 5, they get lost and lose 1 Food. If the result is greater than 5, they find a resource that has already been discovered, and nothing happens.

To create a Trail, roll DICE6. On a 1, 2 or 3, the type of the new Trail is Plant. On a 4 or 5, the type is Filling. On a 6, the type is Tasty. Then, roll DICE6 to determine the Size and DICEB to determine the Distance, where B is 2 plus the amount of other Trails of the same Type. Finally, choose a Name for the new Trail and list it on the Trails page.

Change the last paragraph of “Carrying” to read as follows:

As a daily action, an Ant who is above ground may Follow a Trail by spending food equal to that Trail’s Distance. An Ant who Follows a Plant trail may reduce its Size by one to start carrying a Leaf or a Twig. An Ant who Follows a Filling Trail may reduce its Size by one to start carrying a Crumb. An Ant who Follows a Tasty Trail may reduce its Size by 1 to start carrying Sugar, and/or reduce its Size by 1 to increase their Food to 5.

Create a ‘Trails’ wiki page if it doesn’t exist, then blank it. Set each Ant’s Food (except for the Queen) to 4 and blank all ‘Carrying’ statistics.

Proposal: Yesterday’s News

Passes 12-0 Clucky

Adminned at 11 Jan 2011 10:19:57 UTC

In “Victory and Ascension”, change every instance of ‘Mini Figure’ and ‘Brick Master’ to ‘Ant’ and ‘Sandbox Master’, respectively.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Back on the web!

I request to be unidled. Wish you the best for 2011.

Proposal: Qwick fiks

Passes 14-0—Clucky

Adminned at 11 Jan 2011 10:16:57 UTC

Wherever the text “Each Creature may carry” appears in the Ruleset, change it to “Each Creature and Ant may carry”.

Proposal: Lets try that agian


Adminned at 11 Jan 2011 10:12:21 UTC

Create a new rule called “Food”. Give it the following text:

Each ant and creature has a positive integer amount of food which, unless otherwise specified, may not exceed 5. At any time an ant may subtract a positive integer from their food, provided it doesn’t make the value negative, and add that same interger to the queen’s food. The queen has no limit to the amount of food she can have.

If the proposal ” Kiss My Gaster” passes, instead give it the following text

Each ant and creature has an amount of food which is tracked in the GNDT and which, unless otherwise specified, may not exceed 5. Provided that they are underground, an ant may at any time subtract a positive integer from their food and add that same interger to the queen’s food. The queen has no limit to the amount of food she can have.

Create a new rule called “Winter”. Give it the following text:

If on February 13th, 2011 if at 0:00:00 the queen has less than 1,000 food all dynastic rules are repelled and the game enters a meta-dynasty (The current Sandbox Master loses the title of Sandbox Master and new dynasty continues until a new Sandbox Master is appointed)

Joining The Game

Can someone un-idle me please? It would be greatly appreciated.

Proposal: Kiss My Gaster

Reached quorum 10 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 10 Jan 2011 07:57:18 UTC

Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Upstairs, Downstairs:

Each Ant or Creature is either Underground or Above Ground. This is tracked in the GNDT under the column entitled “Location”. New Ants start underground.

An Ant may change their Location as a daily action, but not more than three times in any seven-day period. A Creature may not have its location changed unless such a change is specifically mandated by another rule.

If Proposal: Time for a cold one! passed, replace the rule entitled Food with the text below. Otherwise, add the following rule to the ruleset as a new rule, entitled Food:

Each ant and creature has an amount of food which is tracked in the GNDT and which, unless otherwise specified, may not exceed 5. Provided that they are underground, an ant may at any time subtract a positive integer from their food and add that same interger to the queen’s food. The queen has no limit to the amount of food she can have.

If there exists a rule entitled Carrying, change the last paragraph of it to read as follows:

As a daily action, an Ant who is Above Ground and who is not carrying an object may start carrying an object by updating their GNDT field to this effect. If no other Ant has started to carry an object within the three days immediately preceding this, the Ant must expend one food to perform this action but may chose to start carrying their choice of a Leaf, Twig, Sugar or Crumb. If another Ant has started to carry an object within the preceding three days, the Ant performing the action may chose to expend one food to and start to carry their choice of a Leaf, Twig, Sugar or Crumb. If they cannot or chose not to expend one food then they must follow the ant in front of them and pick up the same object that that Ant picked up.


I unidle. Quorum is 8.


As a new dynasty has now officially began, I would like to formally request that I be unidled.

On a related note, is it possible to adjust the text color to somthing slightly brighter? It’s kind of a headache to read as is. I can do this myself if no one minds.

Proposal: Fifty Times Your Own Weight

Passes 9-0 with quorum FOR. -Bucky (Correction: 10-0)

Adminned at 09 Jan 2011 16:21:47 UTC

Create a new Rule, titled “Carrying”:-

Each Creature may carry a single object at a time from the following list - this carried object is tracked in the GNDT column ‘Carrying’. Carryable objects are:-

  • Leaf. A small section of leaf cut from a larger plant.
  • Sugar. A speck of sugar-rich matter found in the environment.
  • Crumb. A small item of less nutritious matter.
  • Twig. A small stub of a leaf stalk.
  • Mould. A section of fibrous mould grown within the colony.
  • Egg. A single ant’s egg.

As a daily action, an Ant who is not carrying an object may start carrying a Leaf, Twig, Sugar or Crumb by updating their GNDT field to this effect.

If the proposal “Long Live the Queen” failed, replace “Creature” with “Ant” in the rule created above.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Proposal: Time for a cold one!

self killed—Clucky

Adminned at 09 Jan 2011 09:53:56 UTC

Create a new rule called “Food”. Give it the following text:

Each ant and creature has a positive integer amount of food which, unless otherwise specified, may not exceed 5. At any time an ant may subtract an integer from their food, provided it doesn’t make the value engative, and add that same interger to the queen’s food. The queen has no limit to the amount of food she can have.

Create a new rule called “Winter”. Give it the following text:

If on February 13th, 2011 at 0:00:00 the queen has less than 1,000 food all dynastic rules are repelled and the game enters a meta-dynasty.

Proposal: Long Live the Queen

Passes after 12 hours, 11-0

Adminned at 09 Jan 2011 09:52:17 UTC

Create a new rule called “NPCs”. Give it the following text:

Creatures are gamestate objects which have rows in the GNDT but do not count towards quroum and cannot vote on proposals. The current creatures in the game are listed as subrules of this rule.

Give that rule the subrule “The Queen” with the following text:

The queen counts as an ant for all dynastic rules, although she cannot take action unless the ruleset indicates another ant may take the action on her behalf.

Rename the rule “Citizen Brick” to “Master of sands of time”

Ascension Address: Sid, eat your heart out (or get your little friends to do it for you)

Hello puny ants. Far too long you have fought with eachother for supremacy. Its timed you learned a lesson. Those fighting ways will only get you so far. Winter fasts approaches and I can promise it’ll be a tough one. If your colony has any hope of survival your gonna have to work togeather. Even if you do, I highly doubt you’ll find success because I am greater and more powerful than you all. Fear me.

Change “Mini Figure(s)” to “Ant(s)”, “Brick Master” to “Sandbox Master” and repel all rules but “Citizen Brick”.

Ant let’s give this another try.

I would like to be unidled.

Also, did I say Ant in my post title? I meant Ant.

I mean And.

Jumping the gun a little…

I jumped the gun a little and changed the color scheme. I’m no graphic designer though, so if it looks horribly wrong to you feel free to change it a bit as long as you keep the colors earthy (<—theme hint)

*goes back to waiting for 12 hours to be up*

Joining a game In Progress

Can I rejoin the game mid dynasty? I’ve been idle for a while now.


Subrincinator goes idle; quorum remains 7

Idle Subrincinator

Please idle Subrincinator.

I’ll be out of reach for the next week or so.  Good timing, as it turns out, although I’ll be sorry to miss the beginning of Clucky’s dynasty.

Declaration of Victory: Never Underestimate Exponentials

Passes 8-0 after 12 hours and a vote from Josh.—Clucky

Adminned at 08 Jan 2011 19:02:01 UTC

I have obtained a dung pile with base value 1200 on my workbench. By rule 2.11 I have obtained victory.

After my bonus fund’s from also fair passed, I had 480 funds. I built a dung pile, which had base value 600 and the large modifier. As I hadn’t used my sell this week, I sold it to get 1200 funds and build another dung pile to get the ultimate project.

(Sorry Josh, I know you were looking forward to a brick-off)

Friday, January 07, 2011

Proposal: Declaration of War

Vetoed to clear quueue—Clucky

Adminned at 08 Jan 2011 19:04:27 UTC

Add a new subrule to the Rule “The Great Wall”.  Call it “Last Wall Standing” and give it the following text:

At any time after noon on January 15, 2011, if exactly one Mini Figure’s Workbench contains a well-formed Wall Segment, that Mini Figure achieves victory.

Slipping this in before the brick cannon rule to give everyone as much early warning as possible.

Thane Q we hardly knew ya

Thane goes idle. Quorum drops to 7.

Proposal: Pillars of Life

Veoted to clear queue—Clucky

Adminned at 08 Jan 2011 19:03:40 UTC

Add a new sub-rule to the ruleset under Bricks, call it Column Bricks.

A column brick is a non-standard brick.

A column brick must have the following qualities:

*A color, which must be one of Black, Blue, Green, Grey, Orange, Purple, Red, White or Yellow.
*A dimensional size of z[x]y, being the height, length, and width. All column bricks have 1 for their height, length, and width.
*Rounded edges.

The value of all column bricks is 1.

For building with columns.  :)

PROTOTYPE: Steve Buscemi

Steve Buscemi is well known from his excellent supporting role in every movie ever made. He seems to turn up wherever there’s a camera around, and has recently been seen posing near various LEGO structures. In game terms, he consists of 1 Smiling Head Brick, 1 Brown Torso Brick and 1 Blue Leg Brick.

As long as Steve Buscemi exists on any workbench, any Mini Figure who completes a request may add him to their submission by listing him in its composition once. For the purposes of determining the value of such a construction, Steve Buscemi is ignored.

Open Request: The Slopes

I would like constructions that use at least three sloping bricks, at least three flat bricks and which have a value of no less than 30. Standard reward is 50, bonus 50.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Proposal: Developer Trial period

Fails after 48 hours.—Clucky

Adminned at 08 Jan 2011 19:03:12 UTC

Hello, I have discussed this in the irc and I am wanting a job as a developer obviously. So to make things fair I have decided propose a trial period. A time to paartially be a dev but also to get to know the community as many have said. I want you the people of BLOGNOMICS OPINION!!! Just put a check mark or X. And dont forget to vote.

Vote Now for Trial Period!!!

Proposal: Also fair

Quorum Reached. Passes 8-0. Enacted by Clucky

Adminned at 08 Jan 2011 05:43:02 UTC

Give Clucky 75 funds.

He also missed out on a reward.

Closed Request: Domo Arigato

BUILD ME A ROBOT. Standard reward 30, bonus reward for the awesomest robot 130.

Proposal: It’s only fair, I guess

Passes 8-0. Enacted by Clucky

Adminned at 08 Jan 2011 05:42:36 UTC

If Proposal: Space Station Bonus passed, this proposal does nothing.

Increase Subrincator’s funds by 150.

Proposal: Behold My Life-Size Assault Tank

Passes after 48 hours, 6-2. Enacted by Clucky

Adminned at 08 Jan 2011 05:39:50 UTC

Add a new rule, “Ultimate Project”:

A Mini Figure who has a construction with a base value of at least 1500 on their Workbench has achieved victory.

An alternative win condition so that the dynasty can be decided before 15 requests have been completed. Credit goes to Thane Q.

Proposal: Divided We Fall

Passes at 8-0. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 07 Jan 2011 03:03:46 UTC

In “Numbers and Variables”, change

If a rule implies that the result of a division should be an integer (for instance, by attempting to store that result in, or add it to, a gamestate variable that can only hold integers), the result of the division is instead the result rounded towards 0.


If a rule implies that the result of any calculation should be an integer (for instance, by attempting to store that result in, or add it to, a gamestate variable that can only hold integers), the result of the calculation is instead the result rounded towards 0.

No reason to limit this to division, as other operations like multiplication or exponentiation can also produce non-integer results. Plus, one can easily rewrite any division as a series of other operations or vice versa and come up with two mathematically equivalent equations that might have two different solutions under the current wording (one that triggers this condition and one that doesn’t).

Open Request: Traffic lights

I’d like constructions that have red at the top, yellow somewhere below the red, and green somewhere below the yellow. Go nuts. Standard reward is 80, bonus reward a further 20.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Proposal: Admin Proposal

Fails at 1-8. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 07 Jan 2011 03:03:15 UTC

Hello! Make Dev an admin!

My name is dev because I love developing. I started developing at 16 and I am now 27. I have had my expirience for being and admin and developer from Jagex Ltd (Runescape, FunOrb,, and Club Penguin. I have also been dev and admin of the well-known Mozilla Firefox Browser. I am very well-known on the internet irc channels and I would like to take time to make this community a better place.I was raised by a mom as a lawyer and a dad as a doctor and gratuated out of Georgia Tech in my early 20’s. I am a few months away from having a site developement degree and cannot wait, but is working hard. I guess what got me into the buisness was the coding. Once I saw them and learned their unique ways I got addicted and do it day and night now. I know the coding like C++, Php, Javascipt, ect. Anyway I have played your game before but it was in about 2005-2006 and I am going to get into the groove again. I hope you will consider this and I will be very active lately. Be sure to vote!



-Age: 27
-College: Georgia Tech
-Specialties: Administrating, Site development, sports, friendship, patients.
-Obedience: 10/10
-Self-Respect: 9/10
-Elder Respect: 10/10
-Rule Obeying: 10/10
-Focus and responsibility: 10/10

Player Arrival

Im here! Be expecting to see me more.

sreenname: dev
Username: developer


Proposal: Admin Proposal

Posted before he was legally a player, and is therefore illegal, as only players may make proposals. -Darth Cliche

Just a note that the admin box is generally reserved for admins only, to report and explain their actions (like the above). It should be left empty when making a post (and anything you write there won’t show up on an unadminned post anyway), and admin comments shouldn’t be edited by the original poster, even though the blogging software allows them to. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 06 Jan 2011 01:57:01 UTC


My name is dev because I love developing. I started developing at 16 and I am now 27. I have had my expirience for being and admin and developer from Jagex Ltd (Runescape, FunOrb,, and Club Penguin. I have also been dev and admin of the well-known Mozilla Firefox Browser. I am very well-known on the internet irc channels and I would like to take time to make this community a better place.I was raised by a mom as a lawyer and a dad as a doctor and gratuated out of Georgia Tech in my early 20’s. I am a few months away from having a site developement degree and cannot wait, but is working hard. Anyway I have played your game before but it was in about 2005-2006 and I am going to get into the groove again. I hope you will consider this and I will be very active lately. Be sure to vote!



-Age: 27
-College: Georgia Tech
-Specialties: Administrating, Site development, sports, friendship, patients.
-Obedience: 10/10
-Self-Respect: 9/10
-Elder Respect: 10/10
-Rule Obeying: 10/10
Focus and responsibility: 10/10


Proposal: Trivial proposals

Passes at 8-0. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 07 Jan 2011 03:01:10 UTC

In the Rule entitled “Proposal Bounties”, change the text

Whenever a proposal is enacted


Whenever a proposal is enacted and modifies the Ruleset

Append the following text to that rule:

However if a proposal’s Title includes the text “[Trivial]”, its author does not receive any Funds for that proposal under this rule.

Proposal: Building up

Reaches quorum and passes at 8-0. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 07 Jan 2011 02:59:55 UTC

Add a new Rule to the Ruleset.  Call it “The Great Wall” and give it the following text:

A Construction is a Wall Segment if its name is of the form “Wall Segment N”, where N is a natural number. (i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3…).  N is its Segment Number. 

Each Wall Segment in a Workbench is Above all Wall Segments in the same Workbench that have a lower Segment Number.  A Wall Segment is Directly Above another Wall Segment if it is Above that other Wall Segment and has a Segment Number 1 greater than that other Wall Segment’s Segment Number.

A Wall Layer is well-formed if it fits all the following criteria:
*Either its Segment Number is 0 or it is Directly Above another Wall Segment.
*All bricks in the Wall Segment have a defined height and a Dimensions attribute.
*The [y] dimensions of the bricks in the Wall Segment sum to at least 1 and no more than 12.
*All bricks in the Wall Segment have the same height

If a Wall Segment that is not well-formed is ever present in a Mini Figure’s Workbench, it is immediately disassembled and the bricks it contains are returned to that Mini Figure’s Bucket.

Disassemble any Wall Segments that are not Well-Formed and return the bricks they contain to their owners’ Buckets.

Trying this again.  I want to get that wall up.

Proposal: Space Station Bonus

Self-Killed. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 07 Jan 2011 02:58:02 UTC

Increase Subrincinator’s Funds by 150.

I completed the construction for Josh’s Project Request: Urban Development, but Josh neglected to award the 150-fund bonus award before the time expired.  He said he’d make it up to me… well, here’s a straightforward way to do that.

Proposal: Cash and Creativity

Self-Killed. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 07 Jan 2011 02:57:30 UTC

If Rule 2.9 Apex exists, repeal it.

Create a new Dynastic Rule entitled Play-Offs:

When at least 15 Requests have been completed, the Brick Master may call two Lego Semi-Finals.

A Lego Semi-Final is a type of Request.  The first Lego Semi-Final is open to the two eligible Mini Figures with the greatest funds at the time that the Lego Semi-Final was called.  The second Lego Semi-Final is open to the eligible Mini Figure who has received the most Bonus Rewards for Requests, and to the elegible Mini Figure who has submitted constructions to the most Requests.

The same Mini Figure may compete in more than one Lego Semi-Final.  However, if the same Mini Figure is doubly eligible for the second Lego Semi-Final, then the Mini Figure who has received the second-most Bonus Rewards for Requests shall also compete in the second Lego Semi-Final.  If more than two Mini Figures are eligible for a given Lego Semi-Final, then the Brick Master shall determine which two shall compete in that Lego Semi-Final.

Each Lego Semi-Final Request post must specify a genre within which the competitive Mini Figures must work.  The competitive Mini Figures then have 48 hours to build a construction that fits within that genre.

After 48 hours have elapsed from the calling of a Lego Semi-Final, that Lego Semi-Final closes.  If either of the competitive Mini Figures have failed to post an entry to a given Lego Semi-Final, then the Mini Figure who does post an entry is declared winner of that Lego Semi-Final.  If both of the competitive Mini Figures have failed to post an entry to a given Lego Semi-Final, then the winner of the other Lego Semi-Final has achieved victory.  If all of the competitive Mini Figures of both Lego Semi-Finals fail to post entries to the Lego Semi-Finals, then the Lego Semi-Finals are declared void, and all competitive Mini Figures are prohibited from competing in future Lego-Offs or Lego Semi-Finals.

If both Mini Figures submitted constructions to a given Lego Semi-Final, then the Brick Master should make a new post for that Lego Semi-Final, with a title of the Brick Master’s choice, showcasing the two entries and ascribing voting buttons to each of the competitive Mini Figures.  This post is a votable matter.  Whichever competitive Mini Figure’s construction has received the most votes after 48 hours have elapsed from the posting of the Adjudication post is declared winner of that Lego Semi-Final.

If the same Mini Figure becomes winner of both Lego Semi-Finals, then that Mini Figure has achieved victory.

If the rule Play-Offs exists, then create a sub-rule to that rule entitled Championship:

When two Lego Semi-Finals have been completed, the Brick Master may call a Lego-Off.

A Lego-Off is a type of Request. A Lego-Off is open to the two eligible Mini Figures who are winners of their respective Lego Semi-Finals. The Lego-Off request post must specify a genre within which the competitive Mini Figures must work. The competitive Mini Figures then have 48 hours to build a construction that fits within that genre.

After 48 hours have elapsed from the calling of the Lego-Off, the Lego-Off closes. If either of the competitive Mini Figures have failed to post an entry then the Lego-Off is declared void, and both competitive Mini Figures are prohibited from competing in future Lego Semi-Finals or Lego-Offs; the Brick Master must then wait at least one week before posting a new Lego-Off. If both competitive Mini Figures posted entries to the request then that Brick Master should make a new post, entitled Adjudication, showcasing the two entries and ascribing voting buttons to each of the competitive Mini Figures. The Adjudication post is a votable matter. Whichever competitive Mini Figure’s construction has received the most votes after 48 hours have elapsed from the posting of the Adjudication post has achieved victory.

Rewards Mini Figures for being creative in Requests at the cost of maximizing Funds.  You have a shot at victory by amassing the most Funds, or by being the most creative in completing Requests.  And if a Mini Figure is able to both maximize Funds and be the most creative, then they deserve a double shot at victory.

If Semi-Finals add too much complexity, the Lego-Off could be the minifig with the most Funds vs the minifig with the most request bonuses.

Call for Judgment: Drive-by Coronation

Reaches quorum and passes, 8-1. Josh

Adminned at 09 Jan 2011 06:02:03 UTC

According to the ruleset, after a DoV has passed, the winner may pass on the role of Brick Master to another Mini Figure. However, they are not obliged to communicate this to anyone. If the winner of a dynasty silently passes the mantle to another player, any Ascension Address they might post afterwards is meaningless, and hiatus continues until that other player posts one (and all DoVs posted by others in the meantime are illegal). We have no way of knowing whether or not this has happened in the past.

So, er, we might be in hiatus right now. In fact, it’s entirely possible that we’ve been in hiatus for over 2 years, unless a CfJ explicitly ended hiatus at some point in between, rendering just about every action we performed in that period illegal.

To fix this, do the following:

In the following paragraph, “Mini Figure” refers to the term used in the Ruleset to indicate a human player of BlogNomic, and “Brick Master” refers to the term used in the Ruleset to indicate the human who heads a Dynasty (because we can’t know for sure what the platonic Ruleset calls them).

If any Mini Figure ever invoked the rule ‘Victory and Ascension’ to pass the role of Brick Master to another Mini Figure without stating their intention to perform this action, or the identity of the new Brick Master, in a post or comment, revert that action, and treat every action performed since as if the former never occurred. Just in case that didn’t fix things, if we are in a hiatus, end it. The Mini Figure named Josh becomes the Brick Master, if they weren’t already.

Then, In “Victory and Ascension”, change the paragraph beginning with “When a DoV is enacted” to the following:

When a DoV is enacted, all other active DoVs are failed, and a new Dynasty begins with the Mini Figure who made the DoV as its Brick Master. That Mini Figure may pass this role to another Mini Figure at this point by making a post to that effect, if they wish. The Hiatus continues until the new Brick Master makes an Ascension Address by posting an entry in the “Ascension Address” category - this should specify the Brick Master’s chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and may optionally specify that the terms Mini Figure and Brick Master will be replaced with theme-specific terms throughout the entire ruleset, and/or a number of dynastic rules to keep. Upon posting such an Ascension Address, the ruleset is updated to reflect any changed terms, and any dynastic rules which were not listed to be kept are repealed.

Actual changes (because this probably never occurred, and if it did it’s nearly impossible to prove): passing the mantle now requires a post or comment, and AA’s need to be posted in the correct category to count (because otherwise any post could qualify as an Ascension Address, since its description only defines what it should look like).


Quorum remains 7.

Closed Request: Monumental

BlogNomic’s Legoland continues apace. Now I’d like something monumental. Please construct a scale model of a famous monument or landmark. Standard reward is 110, bonus is 50.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Proposal: Oopsie

Quorum of FOR votes, 7-0 -Darth

Adminned at 05 Jan 2011 13:20:57 UTC

In the Rule entitled “Rotation”, change all instances of the word “workbench” to “Bucket”.

Uhh, yeah.  You rotate bricks before building with them.

Proposal: The Prelude

Cannot be enacted w/o CoV, 1-7 -Darth

Adminned at 05 Jan 2011 13:20:21 UTC

Add a new Rule to the Ruleset.  Call it “The Great Wall” and give it the following text:

A Construction is a Wall Segment if its name is of the form “Wall Segment N”, where N is a natural number. (i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3…)

A Wall Layer is well-formed if it fits all the following criteria:
*Either N is 0 or the Mini Figure whose Workbench contains the Wall Segment also contains a Wall Segment N-1.
*All bricks in the Wall Segment have a defined height and a Dimensions attribute.
*The x dimensions of the bricks in the Wall Segment sum to at least 1 and no more than 12.
*All bricks in the Wall Segment have the same height

If a Wall Layer that is not well-formed is ever present in a Mini Figure’s Workbench, it is immediately disassembled and the bricks it contains are returned to that Mini Figure’s Bucket.

Disassemble any Wall Layers that are not Well-Formed and return the bricks they contain to their owners’ Buckets.

Off to Lego Land!

Too much going on for me to give this the focus it deserves. Request to Idle.

Monday, January 03, 2011


Hello World,
I’m Winner and I’d like to join this Nomic.  I have played Nomic before but only with paper and not online.
I would also like to apologize for posting without approval by an admin. 


Monday, January 03, 2011

Proposal: The good ol’ activity injector

Reached quorum, final vote 7-0 -Darth

Adminned at 03 Jan 2011 20:54:29 UTC

Create a new subrule to the rule entitled “Currency”.  Call it “Proposal Bounties” and give it the following text:

Whenever a proposal is enacted, its author’s Funds increases by 15.  If the proposal creates at least one new dynastic Rule, its author’s Funds increases by an additional 10.

Open Request: Flat Bricks

I have a vague hankering for a construction that is made of only flat bricks, contains at least one brick of five different colours, and has a value of at least 30. Basic reward is 45, bonus reward is 20.

Closed Request: Replicas

The Sonic-In-Lego inspired me. Now I want to create a museum of figures created in Lego. Please create for me a replica of a fictional character of your choice. Standard reward is 40, bonus is 75.

Proposal: Building Up

Reached quorum, final vote 8-0 -Darth

Adminned at 03 Jan 2011 20:53:22 UTC

Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Apex:

When at least 15 Requests have been completed, the Brick Master may call a Lego-Off.

A Lego-Off is a type of Request. A Lego-Off is open to the two eligible Mini Figures with the greatest Funds at the time that the Lego-Off was called. The Lego-Off request post must specify a genre within which the competitive Mini Figures must work. The competitive Mini Figures then have 48 hours to build a construction that fits within that genre.

After 48 hours have elapsed from the calling of the Lego-Off, the Lego-Off closes. If either of the competitive Mini Figures have failed to post an entry then the Lego-Off is declared void, and both competitive Mini Figures are prohibited from competing in future Lego-Offs; the Brick Master must then wait at least one week before posting a new Lego-Off. If both competitive Mini Figures posted entries to the request then that Brick Master should make a new post, entitled Adjudication, showcasing the two entries and ascribing voting buttons to each of the competitive Mini Figures. The Adjudication post is a votable matter. Whichever competitive Mini Figure’s construction has received the most votes after 48 hours have elapsed from the posting of the Adjudication post has achieved victory.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Proposal: Christmas Break?

Cannot be enacted w/o CoV, final vote 1-7 -Darth

Adminned at 03 Jan 2011 20:52:38 UTC

Repeal rule 1.11.

Change the following paragraph in rule 1.9:

Upon doing so, the game immediately goes into Hiatus, if it hasn’t already. During this time, the only game actions that may be taken are those covered by Rules “Mini Figures”, “Voting”, “Calls for Judgment”, “Gamestate Tracking” and “Victory and Ascension”.

to read:

Upon doing so, the game immediately goes into Hiatus, if it hasn’t already. During this time, the only game actions that may be taken are those covered by Rules “Mini Figures”, “Voting”, “Calls for Judgment”, “Gamestate Tracking” and “Victory and Ascension”. A hiatus lasting 14 days or less may also be created by proposal.

It seems unfair to create a mandatory chrismas break for blognomic. It is, however, fair to allow a break to be created for times when most players are not playing.


I am not overly interested in this dynasty, but it seems that the nomic is coming to the consensus that it should end. I also have been reading over the core ruleset and disagree with several points. See proposals for more. I thus unidle.

More idles

Alecto and Clarinet go idle. Quorum drops to 6.