Monday, October 21, 2024

Proposal: Advanced Genetics

In the rule “The Laboratory”, add the following text at the end of the first paragraph:

A Genetic Engineer or an Organism who has a Position of a specific Room is said to be “in” that Room. Otherwise, they are not “in” that Room.

In the rule “Synthesis” replace the text “A Mutation consists of changing the Nucleotide at a specified position in the Genome to a different Nucleotide.” with the following text:

The valid choices for Mutation are listed in the Mutations subrule. Each such Mutation has a Cost, which is the amount of Research Points that must be spent to submit the Mutation request and may be 0, and the Requirements, which must be true for the Genetic Engineer who is submitting the Mutation request and may be None.

In the rule “Synthesis”, add a subrule named “Mutations” with the following text:

{| class="wikitable"
! Mutation !! Cost !! Requirements
| Change the Nucleotide at a specified position in the Genome to a different Nucleotide || 0 || None
| Pick two distinct specified locations in the Genome and swap the two Nucleotides at those positions with each other || 1 || None
| Choose any valid Nucleotide and a specified position in the Genome to insert the chosen Nucleotide || 2 || Must be in the Computer Lab

Proposal: Getting Up Close and Personal

In the rule “Codons”, for the “ACT” Codon’s Effect, replace the text “gain 1 Research Point each” with the following:

gain 1 Research Point each if they are in the Computer Room, 2 Research Points each if they are in any Room whose name starts with “Containment Cell” in which there is at least 1 Organism, and 0 Research Points otherwise.

Proposal: It’s alive!

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 21 Oct 2024 04:25:05 UTC

If the proposal “Trying the lab door again” did not pass, this proposal has no effect.

Add a new rule titled “Organisms” and give it the following text:

There is a list of Organisms, defaulting to an empty list. Each Organism has a Position that is a publicly tracked Room.

Change the effect of the ACT Codon to be

Add a new Organism to a random Containment Cell. The Genetic Engineers (if any) who most recently caused a Mutation in this Codon gain 1 Research Point each.

Add the Codon “ACC” to the table in the rule “Codons”, with an effect of

Move each Organism to a random Room connected to its current Position.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Proposal: Trying the lab door again

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 20 Oct 2024 18:55:24 UTC

Create a new rule called “The Laboratory” with the following text:

The Laboratory consists of a number of named Rooms. Each Genetic Engineer has a publicly tracked Position that is a Room in the Laboratory, defaulting to the Computer Room. As a Daily Action, each Genetic Engineer may change their Position to a Room that is Connected to their current Position.

The following list gives Rooms in the Laboratory and their Connections:
* Computer Room, connected to Hallway 1
* Containment Cell 1, connected to Hallway 1
* Hallway 1, connected to Computer Room and Containment Cell 1.

Reproposing Lukas’ illegal proposal.

Wake up call

I would like to be united please

Proposal: The Laboratory

Illegal due to Lukas already having 2 pending Proposals at the time this one was posted.

Adminned at 20 Oct 2024 01:16:59 UTC

Create a new rule called “The Laboratory” with the following text:

The Laboratory consists of a number of named Rooms. Each Genetic Engineer has a publicly tracked Position that is a Room in the Laboratory, defaulting to the Computer Room. As a Daily Action, each Genetic Engineer may change their Position to a Room that is Connected to their current Position.

The following list gives Rooms in the Laboratory and their Connections:
* Computer Room, connected to Hallway 1
* Containment Cell 1, connected to Hallway 1
* Hallway 1, connected to Computer Room and Containment Cell 1.

This is the last of the initial proposals. I don’t have any specific purpose in mind for the Rooms listed here, this is just to help spark ideas.

Proposal: Research Points

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 20 Oct 2024 18:52:17 UTC

If the proposal “Genetics 101” does not pass, this proposal does nothing.

Create a new rule called “Research Points” with the following text:

Each Genetic Engineer has a publicly tracked number of Research Points, defaulting to 0.

Add the Codon “ACT” to the table in the rule “Codons”, with an effect of “The Genetic Engineers (if any) who most recently caused a Mutation in this Codon gain 1 Research Point each.”

This is mostly just to give people something to aim for at the start. I don’t see Research Points as being a primary goal for the dynasty.

Proposal: Genetics 101

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 20 Oct 2024 18:43:41 UTC

Create a new rule called “The Genome” with the following text:

The following letters are considered Nucleotides: A, C, G, T. The Genome is a publicly tracked sequence of Nucleotides.

Create a new rule called “Synthesis” with the following text:

If they have not done so since the last time the Synthesize action was performed, each Genetic Engineer should, at their earliest convenience, privately submit to the Head Researcher a single Mutation that they wish to perform, or the fact that they do not want to perform any Mutations.
A Mutation consists of changing the Nucleotide at a specified position in the Genome to a different Nucleotide. If a Genetic Engineer has made multiple such submissions, only their most recent submission is considered valid.

The Head Researcher can and should perform the Synthesize action once every Genetic Researcher has made a new submission to the Head Researcher since the last time the Synthesize action was taken (or since this rule was enacted if the Synthesize action has not been performed yet).

Synthesize is an atomic action consisting of the following steps:
* Perform every valid Mutation submitted, with the following exception: if two or more Mutations specify the same position, the Nucleotide at that position remains unchanged.
* Processing from left to right, take the first 3 Nucleotides in the Genome not yet processed in this step and follow the corresponding instructions in the rule “Codons”. Repeat as long as there are at least 3 Nucleotides left to be processed.
* Add a random Nucleotide to the beginning of the Genome.

Create a new rule called “Codons” with the following text:

The following table lists sequences of three Nucleotides (known as Codons), along with their corresponding effect when the Synthesize action is performed. If a Codon does not appear in the table, it is considered to have no effect.

Append an empty table to the end of the rule Codons.

Set the Genome to be a random sequence of 9 Nucleotides.

Ascension Address: Alien DNA

cc: Xenogenetic Team

Following reports of abnormal mutations in the fish population of a nearby bay, we have managed to recover several samples of extraterrestrial genetic material from a submerged meteorite.

You will be working with your fellow genetic engineers to synthesize brand-new lifeforms never before seen on this planet; we anticipate untold applications to medical and military technology.

We are confident that your work here will impact millions of lives around the globe.

Head of Xenogenetic Research at Sublogical Genomics

P.S. Some of you have voiced concerns regarding alleged security flaws in the containment cells. Please rest assured that our cells are technically in compliance with the relevant legal codes.

P.P.S. I have been asked to remind ALL of the team that fruit-matching games, or indeed games of any sort, are not to be played on company workstations.

Repeal all Dynastic Rules.

Set the synonym for Player to “Genetic Engineer” and the synonym for Emperor to “Head Researcher”.

Update the name of the gamestate tracking page to “Sublogical Genomics Laboratory”.

Remove all Building Blocks except for “Low-Player Mode”, and add the Building Block “Virtual Actions”.

Imperial Style: Guide, Protective, Powerhouse, Scam-Mundane, Servile, Instinctual

Friday, October 18, 2024

The Cornucopia

Post-dynastic discussion here

Friday, October 18, 2024

Declaration of Victory: Jackpot

Unanimous, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Oct 2024 14:13:23 UTC

The Turn Order list is empty and I have 385 points, which is more than the Victory Threshold and more than any other player, so I have achieved victory.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Proposal: Rewarding

Vetoed by Head Reseacher.

Adminned at 20 Oct 2024 01:18:31 UTC

Add “Gain 5 points” to the effects of Thaw and Disarm

In “Whiteout”  replace “Make every cell a plain cell” with “Gain 1 point for every cell that is a Frozen Cell or Trap Cell. Make every cell a plain cell.”

In “Collecting Cells” after “all Frozen cells that are not in the collection list and are adjacent to it to be Plain Cells” add “and gain 1 point for each cell that was changed to be a Plain cell by this specific instance of this step”

90% of this is just to give people something to vote on

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Proposal: Disarm And Disleg

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 14 Oct 2024 14:34:00 UTC

Change the cost of Disarm to be “one Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grape, or Cherry” and change its effect to be “Choose a Trap Cell whose Content is the same as the resource spent for this action and make it a Plain Cell.”

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Proposal: Ice Skating

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 09 Oct 2024 04:35:40 UTC

In the rule “The Game Board”, in the text

If a Turn Action would change a Frozen Cell’s Content, or if it would “move” the Cell’s Content to another Cell, the action is instead considered illegal.

replace “a Turn Action” with

a Turn Action (other than Slide)

Add a new Turn Action with the name “Slide”, a Cost of 1 Coin, and the following effect:

* Choose two Frozen Cells that are connected by an unbroken sequence of adjacent Frozen Cells, and swap the contents of the two selected Cells

Trying to balance the blocking nature of the Frozen cells and to make Whiteout less strategically problematic