Saturday, July 27, 2024

Proposal: Land Ho

If the proposal “Out to Sea” was enacted, add a subrule to “The Sea Chart” called “Landmarks” and give it the following text:

There exists a Shore, which is any cell where the cell’s label has G in it.

There exists an Ocean, which is any cell where the cell’s label has A in it.

There exists a Judge’s Hut, which is at cell G4.

There exists three Basalt Obelisks, which are at cells B2, C5 and D8.

If the proposal “Catch, then Identify” was enacted, append to the end of the rule “Fish Function” as a new paragraph:

If the Fishing Contestant’s name is not in a Shore cell when they perform a Fish Identification, they are not permitted to submit more than one string during that action. If a fishing Contestant’s name is not in the Judge’s Hut’s cell when they perform a Fish Identification, they are not permitted to submit more than three strings during that action.

If the proposals “VFA” and “Out to Sea” were enacted, append to the end of “The Sea Chart” as a new paragraph:

As a Fishing Action, a Fishing Contestant can move their name from their current cell to a cell no greater than four orthogonally connected cells away from their current cell.

The intent here is to give an ebb and a flow to things. You catch your fish, haul them to the shore (or ideally the judge’s hut), and identify them.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Proposal: VFA

Add a new dynastic rule called “Energy”

Each Fishing Contestant has a publicly tracked integer Energy which can be between 0 and 14. Any action that would set a Fishing Contestant’s energy above 14 instead sets it to 0. Any action that would reduce a Fishing Contestant’s energy below 0 may not be performed.

As a weekly action, a Fishing Contestant may Rest and gain 5 Energy.

By default, in order to perform a Fishing Action a Fishing Contestant must spend 1 Energy, plus 1 additional energy for every Fishing Action that Fishing Contestant has already performed in the last 20 hours.

The cost in Energy to perform a Virtual Fishing Actions (VFAs) is spent when the action is initiated by the Fishing Contestant, not when it is performed by the Elder Judge. Likewise, for the purposes of the window for determining additional costs for a Fishing Action, virtual fishing actions are considered to be performed which the request was sent to the Elder Judge rather than when the Elder Judge actually performed the action. If a Virtual Fishing Action fails, the cost in Energy that was spent to perform that action is refunded by the Elder Judge to the Fishing Contestant who attempted to perform it.

If there is a rule called “Fish Function” than in it replace “Daily Virtual Action” with “Virtual Fishing Action”

Proposal: Out to sea

Add a new rule named “The Sea Chart” with the following text:

There is a publicly-tracked grid, named “The Sea Chart”, which consists of Cells where each Cell is labeled with the letters “A” through “G” in alphabetical order across the columns of the grid, and the numbers 1 through 8 in numerical order down the rows of the grid. A specific Cell is referenced by its column letter and its row number in that order, e.g. D4 for the Cell in the column labeled D and the row labeled 4. Each Cell may contain the names of 0 or more Fishing Contestants.

If a Fishing Contestant’s name is not in any Cell, the Elder Judge should randomly select a Cell by column letter and row number, repeating this random selection until an empty Cell is selected, and then add that Fishing Contestant’s name to that Cell.

I have a few other ideas for the chart but for now I want to get the frame work up

Proposal: Catch, then Identify

If the proposal “What is a fish?” did not pass, this proposal does nothing.

If the proposal “Waiting For The Big One” passed, append the below text block to the rule “Contestants” as a new paragraph. Otherwise, add a new dynastic rule called “Fishing Contestant” with below text block.

Each Fishing Contestant has a publicly tracked number of Catches. This number defaults to 0.

In the rule “Fish Function”, replace the final two paragraphs with:

As a daily virtual action know as Fish Identification, a Fishing Contestant may privately ask the Elder Judge “Are any of the following fish,” followed by a number of clearly delineated strings no greater than their Catches. Each of these strings are any alphanumeric string of between 1 and 20 characters which are not the name of a fish on the Found Fish list, and which are not duplicates of other strings submitted in the same Fish Identification. They then reduce their Catches by this number of submitted strings.

To resolve Fish Identification, for each submitted string, the Elder Judge determines if the target is a fish or not as according to the Fish Function. If it is a Fish, they add it to the Fishing List with the name of the Fishing Contestant submitting the virtual action as the discoverer. If it is not a Fish, they privately inform the Fishing Contestant submitting the virtual action of this fact.

This change would serve two purposes. Firstly, it allows the guessing system to tie into actually going out to actually catch the fish, as I know Darknight had said he’d wanted a grid based system. Secondly, this adds a push your luck element to it by forcing you to choose between spacing out your guesses for more information, versus just submitting them all in one day and doing fishing on the next.

Proposal: What is a fish?

Add a new dynastic rule called “Fish Function”

Any alphanumeric string of letters may or may not be a fish.

The Fish Function is an English phrase no longer than 100 words which describes a process for determining if a given alphanumeric string is a fish or not, and is secretly tracked by the Elder Judge. If the Elder Judge has not set a Fish Function, they should do so at their earliest convince.

The Found Fish list on the gamestate tracking page consists a list of names of fishes and the name of the Fishing Contestant who discovered them and is by default empty

As a daily virtual action know as Fish Identification, a Fishing Contestant may privately ask the Elder Judge “Is XXXXX a fish?” where XXXXX (the target) is any alphanumeric string that is 20 characters or less, which is not the name of a fish on the Found Fish list

To resolve Fish Identification, the Elder Judge determines if the target is a fish or not as according to the Fish Function. If it is a Fish, they add it to the Fishing List with the name of the Fishing Contestant submitting the virtual action as the discoverer. If it is not a Fish, they privately inform the Fishing Contestant submitting the virtual action of this fact


Proposal: Waiting For The Big One

Add a new rule named “Contestants” with a subrule named “Time”, and in that subrule, add the following text:

Each Fishing Contestant has a publicly-tracked number named “Hours Spent” that’s between 0 and 12, defaulting to 0. As a Weekly Action, a Fishing Contestant may change their Hours Spent.

You should be able to specifiy how many hours in a game day you want to spend fishing. I have an idea that time spent fishing should affect what you might catch, where longer time means a chance at a much better or much worse catch.

Proposal: [Core] Anyone Can Help With The Chores

In the Core rule “Victory and Ascension”, replace the text starting with “start a new dynasty by completing the following Atomic Action:” and ending with “using the terms defined on the wiki page Imperial Styles.” with the following text:

make an Ascension Address by posting an entry in the “Ascension Address” category. The Ascension Address should specify the Elder Judge’s chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and it may optionally specifiy one or more of the following:
* New dynasty-specific terms as outline in the rule “Synonyms”
* A number of dynastic rules to keep (if none are specifed then the entire Dynastic Ruleset is repealed)
* Any number of Building Blocks rules to remove or insert, as per the instructions in the Building Blocks section
* The name of the gamestate tracking page referred to in the rule “Ruleset and Gamestate” to a different page that does not exist and does not start with the word “Ruleset”
* The Elder Judge’s Imperial Style, which if specified is a set of nonbinding guidelines that the Elder Judge is encouraged to follow, using the terms defined on the wiki page Imperial Styles.

If it has not been done since the most recent posting of an Ascension Address, the Elder Judge or any Fishing Contestant may perform a Dynastic Reset, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Update the Ruleset to reflect any changed terms as outlined in the most recent Ascension Address.
* Repeal any dynastic rules which were not listed to be kept in the most recent Ascension Address.
* Update the gamestate tracking page referred to in the rule “Ruleset and Gamestate” with the name specified in the most recent Ascension Address, if any.
* Make any specified or automatic changes to the Building Blocks section of the ruleset as described in the most recent Ascension Address.
* Update the Building Blocks page to reflect any changes to the terms outlined in the rule Synonyms.

In the Core rule “Dynasties”, replace “before an Ascension Address has been posted” with “before a Dynastic Reset has been performed”.

Consider the atomic action Dynastic Reset to have been performed since the most recent Ascension Address.

This change allows the new Emperor to simply post the AA, and then either they or any player can then perform the work of cleaning up for the new dynasty.

Call for Judgment: Kickstarting the Dynasty

Since the atomic action finished after this was posted, I am failing this under rule 1.6: It specifies no changes to make. -SingularByte

Adminned at 26 Jul 2024 09:22:38 UTC

If the “start a dynasty” atomic action for the Second Dynasty of Darknight has been completed, or if Darknight has voted against this Call for Judgement, then this cfj specifies neither changes to the gamestate, nor corrections to any gamestate tracking entities.

Otherwise, the enacting admin should complete that atomic action on Darknight’s behalf, with the following modifications:
*The Gamestate tracking page should be Dockyard, unless Darknight has commented on this cfj with a new Gamestate tracking page name.
*The building blocks should be set to their defaults, or, if Darknight has commented on this cfj with regard to a different status for certain building blocks, they should be set to the specified statuses.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Ascension Address: Quite a fish tale

“Well that was a fun little story to pass the drive.” I chuckled as we pulled up to the dock for this years Blackwater Bay deep sea fishing contest. “I wonder what the prize will be this year?” My thoughts were interrupted by the blare of a mic as the head judge began his welcome

“Welcome all to the 83th annual Blackwater Bay fishing contest. The rules this year are a bit different. You have until sundown to.. HAIL THŔ̸̐Ő̸̾M̵͠..... where we will then declare a winner who will win the coveted…. THRALL. Good luck everyone!  glory to THŔ̸̐Ő̸̾M̵͠.

Repeal all dynastic rules.

Set the synonym for Player to “Fishing Contestant” and the synonym for Emperor to “Elder Judge”

Imperial Styles: Gardener, Preservationist, Powerhouse, Scam-mundane, Servile, Methodical

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Story Post: Credits: 24 July 2024


The Story
Clearly, the frying pan was the most suitable weapon of choice for this situation. With a mighty swing, June brought her pan down upon the bigger skunk fly with a wet crunch. As she shook the remains of the fly off, June watched its mate retreat, its panicked buzzing echoing in the distance. “Skunk flies,” June muttered to herself “Anyone who claims they aren’t harmful should come out here and try gathering swamp beets from their nest and then tell me they just smell bad.”

Her prize secured, June placed the swamp beets into her bag and began the hike back home. She would have to stop by Eddie’s garden on the way back in order to gather the last of the ingredients that she needed. As June neared the garden, a sudden acrid smell stopped her in her tracks. Something wasn’t right. She climbed the nearest maple for a better look. Between the treetops, June immediately saw the choking green smoke rising into the sky. Her eyes widened. “Pirates.”

With the sickening smell of smoke on the wind, June raced as quickly as she could towards the village. Nearing the family shop, she ducked behind an over turned cart as a pair of pirates stepped out, arms loaded with stolen goods. “Hey, thanks for the supplies buddy.” one of the pirates called out over his shoulder “Here’s the receipt back though.” With a laugh, the other pirate tossed a torch back through the doorway. June watched in horror as the shop quickly went up in flames, the yells for help inside grew silent.

Natasha, head cocked, listened as the little village at the top of the cliffs fell. With the ocean to her back and stone cliffs to her front, she seemed to have an advantageous cover, but something about this still felt wrong. Every so often, about 50 paces away, bags of supplies thudded down from the dark cliffs into the sand. Crew members were taking bags of supplies from shore to the ship when she heard, “Captain! We have it!” She turned to investigate and momentarily forgot about her worries as she saw the pale blue glow of the jewel.

As the pirate handed her the gem, Natasha allowed herself a small smile. “Beautiful,” she sighed as she leaned against a nearby cannon. “Captain, what’s so special about this gem?” Glaring, Natasha turned and held out the gem. “Its called the heart of the deep and its said to hold a power anyone with a passion for power would kill for.” Keeping her own fears hidden, she continued. “Legend says this gem allows one to control the master of the deep and rule the seas.” Muttering to one another, the other pirates began to ponder what they had just learned. Turning back to her quarters on the ship, Natasha shivered. “Unless the part about there being a girl who can use the gem to destroy the master is true.”

June spent the next several hours helping the village recover from the pirate attack. Fortunately, when all was said and done only a couple of villages had lost their lives, though several buildings were burnt down in the raid. After a long day of helping survivors, June took a moment to relax with a simple pleasure: fruit from the great apple tree that stood on top of the sandstone cliffs. As she plucked the bright red fruit from the leafy branches she took a bite. The Black Hawk could barely be seen on the horizon, but June knew it was only a matter of time before it returned. Suddenly, dark clouds began to form above the distant ship and loud thunder filled June’s ears. This was no ordinary storm. Something was wrong. Something unnatural.

Panic and fear racked the crew of the Black Hawk. No one really knew what to expect when Natasha held the Jewel of the Seas aloft, but a bottomless pit appearing before them was not anywhere on the radar. Neither was the eldritch beast which arose from the pit.

W̶̾͝Ẽ̸͊ ̷̄͑Ȧ̷͗R̶͐̍E̶̎̕ ̵̈THŔ̸̐Ő̸̾M̵͠

The deep voice penetrated their very souls.

B̸̈́͌E̸̽̌C̷̋͝O̵̅͒M̸̓͒Ĕ̶͉ ̶̕OUR VE̵͋͌S̶̔̚S̴͛̕Ẽ̷L

The bodies of Natasha and her crew lurched and her eyes turned a bright red.

D̸̂̄Ē̴̚S̵̅͝T̵̂̐R̷̅͠Ö̷́͛Y̶̏ THE GIRL

Without a word, the possessed crew of the Black Hawk turned their ship back to the village…

Back on the sandstone cliffs, June felt something hit her shoulder. Turning around she found a piece of paper wrapped around a small stone. Unfurling it, the message read: “Meet me in the crypts. We need to chat.”

As darkness continued to spread, June found herself descending into the crypts. She found herself standing inside a large chamber, surrounded by members of the village. The mayor, the blacksmith and even the director of the small playhouse. “What’s.. going on?” June asked, confused. “There’s no time” the mayor said, worry in her voice “We need you June. You’re the only one who can seal THŔ̸̐Ő̸̾M̵͠..” she stopped briefly at the word “Please.” June slowly nodded “Okay.”

Guiding June to a set of four lit candles, the mayor handed her a mirror. With a deep breath, June took the red candle and dripped the wax onto the mirror. She followed with the yellow, green and blue candles and as the wax of the blue hit the glass, the mirror began to glow. “NOW JUNE!” Racing back outside, she found herself facing the deep lord face to face. Holding the mirror and with a determined mind, June recited the chant.

“By the power of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water,
By the light of the sun and the glow of the moon,
I cast you out, demon of the deep,
Return to the depths from whence you came.
In the name of balance and harmony,
I banish you back to the watery abyss.”

An unearthly scream, a blinding light and then silence.

In the month that followed, the village rebuilt with June its protector. But on a lonely isle sat a figure, clutching a gem. “Soon master” Natasha whispered. “Soon”

The End?


Declaration of Victory: Closing the book

4-0, greater than 2/3rds of the number of Storytellers, it has been open for at least 12 hours, and the Publisher has Voted FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 24 Jul 2024 21:00:56 UTC

Wit the story finished and as the storyteller with the most points as per the rule “The End”, I achieve victory.

I have returned

I would like to be unidled please (once legal).

Story Post: The Story is Complete

Here is the final Points tally:

ChaosGoblin: 142
Clucky: 148
Darknight: 168

Monday, July 22, 2024

Story Post: Wrap Up

Timed out, 2-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 24 Jul 2024 05:21:59 UTC

Add the contents of The Last Fragment to the end of The Story.

New Drawing: 22 July 2024

New drawing is ready. Will it be the last?

Story Post: Winning Fragment: 22 July 2024

The winning Ending Fragment for the most recent Judging is Fragment #1:

As darkness continued to spread, June found herself descending into the crypts. She found herself standing inside a large chamber, surrounded by members of the village. The mayor, the blacksmith and even the director of the small playhouse. “What’s.. going on?” June asked, confused. “There’s no time” the mayor said, worry in her voice “We need you June. You’re the only one who can seal THŔ̸̐Ő̸̾M̵͠..” she stopped briefly at the word “Please.” June slowly nodded “Okay.”

Guiding June to a set of four lit candles, the mayor handed her a mirror. With a deep breath, June took the red candle and dripped the wax onto the mirror. She followed with the yellow, green and blue candles and as the wax of the blue hit the glass, the mirror began to glow. “NOW JUNE!” Racing back outside, she found herself facing the deep lord face to face. Holding the mirror and with a determined mind, June recited the chant.

“By the power of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water,
By the light of the sun and the glow of the moon,
I cast you out, demon of the deep,
Return to the depths from whence you came.
In the name of balance and harmony,
I banish you back to the watery abyss.”

An unearthly scream, a blinding light and then silence.

In the month that followed, the village rebuilt with June its protector. But on a lonely isle sat a figure, clutching a gem. “Soon master” Natasha whispered. “Soon”

The End?

Story Post: Judging: 21 July 2024

“We need to chat.”

  1. As darkness continued to spread, June found herself descending into the crypts. She found herself standing inside a large chamber, surrounded by members of the village. The mayor, the blacksmith and even the director of the small playhouse. “What’s.. going on?” June asked, confused. “There’s no time” the mayor said, worry in her voice “We need you June. You’re the only one who can seal THŔ̸̐Ő̸̾M̵͠..” she stopped briefly at the word “Please.” June slowly nodded “Okay.”

    Guiding June to a set of four lit candles, the mayor handed her a mirror. With a deep breath, June took the red candle and dripped the wax onto the mirror. She followed with the yellow, green and blue candles and as the wax of the blue hit the glass, the mirror began to glow. “NOW JUNE!” Racing back outside, she found herself facing the deep lord face to face. Holding the mirror and with a determined mind, June recited the chant.

    “By the power of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water,
    By the light of the sun and the glow of the moon,
    I cast you out, demon of the deep,
    Return to the depths from whence you came.
    In the name of balance and harmony,
    I banish you back to the watery abyss.”

    An unearthly scream, a blinding light and then silence.

    In the month that followed, the village rebuilt with June its protector. But on a lonely isle sat a figure, clutching a gem. “Soon master” Natasha whispered. “Soon”

    The End?
  2. Unsure of what to expect, June headed to the crypts. Lighting a torch and descending into the darkness, June looked around but saw nothing but unmarked coffins. Suddenly she felt a chill and her torch went out. In front of her appeared a cloaked figure, illuminated only by bioluminescent fungi which grew on the dead.

    “Welcome, June” the figure said “I’ve been waiting for you”. “Who are you?” June asked. “I have had many names over the years. Director… Announcer… Emperor… Publisher… but my name matters not. A threat stands before us. That pirate Natasha has awoken a being know as THROM. Even now, THROM hunts you down. He seeks to destroy the world. You must stop him.” “Me? How?” asked a puzzled June. “With this” said the figure, handing her a large object. “This is the Deus Ex Nomica. It gives you the power to change the rules”. “Change the rules? The rules of what?” “Everything”. As June held the D.E.M she instinctively knew how to use it.

    “I don’t understand. Why can’t you do it yourself?” she asked. “It’s… complicated” came the reply. “But I can just… say we’re back in town, right?” With that the D.E.M. glowed and suddenly they were in the middle of town, just as Natasha’s possessed crew arrived. “Yep”. “And banish Throm?” Natasha’s crew suddenly disappeared. “And restore the town?” The town sprang back to how it looked before the raid. “Yep”. “A bit unsatisfying of a conclusion, innit?” “Yep”

    The End
  3. June, filled with determination, climbed down the sandstone cliffs and made her way to the hidden crypts. When she gets there her mind races with anciption and her journey flashes before her eyes. She reflects on her long journey to get to this point as it all whooshes back in her head as she walks up to a shadowy figure, Who was this mystery figure?  her heart shakes like a darkness calling out, she hears a voice call out “its time for school”. June jolts awake in her bed. Even though the terror in her dreams was fake, her real heroic feat had just begun: High School. One things for sure, the journey gave her the feeling that she was the director over her own life and her internal sense of pride had awakened and her inner demon vanquished. The end.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

GloopyGhost Ghosted Us

GloopyGhost has been made Idle for not posting an entry or comment in the past 96 hours (4 days) and not sending a Creative Writing or Scoring Response in the past 96 hours (4 days). Quorum drops to 3.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Proposal: Don’t End Just Yet!! Please

Timed out, 1-2. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 22 Jul 2024 04:32:23 UTC

In the rule The End replace “While there is an Open Judging and The Last Fragment is empty, as a Story Action any Storyteller may call for a Ending Drawing by making a Story blog post where the title contains the phrase “Ending Drawing”. When this post has been made, the next Drawing is considered the Ending Drawing” with “While there is an Open Judging and The Last Fragment is empty, as a Story Action any Storyteller may call for a Ending Drawing by making a Story Post Votable Matter where the title contains the phrase “Ending Drawing”. If a quorum of Storytellers votes in favor of this post the next Drawing is considered the Ending Drawing”

Make the Ending Drawing just a Drawing and cancel all of the pending Creative Writings.

Give 20 Points to Clucky and give 20 Points to Darknight.

I would like to propose a rule change and do a little bit of a back track to the story.

GloopyGhost has invoked a rule and then disappeared. The rule takes us out of the story at hand and is forcing an ending. This story has barely gotten going and no real action or intentions of the characters has been developed. There is nothing of consequence to any of the few antagonists that have been introduced.

I would like to propose that we take away this segment and forced ending writing. It’s too soon and it feels like this action is being used as a way to end the game.

If anyone has presented pieces of writing for this, maybe they can be compensated for their efforts with points.

Also, I propose that the next time an ending is proposed, we amend it to require a group vote of agreement to an ending before it’s set in motion.

4st one out

4st idles after making no activity within 7 days

Reminder: You can cancel and resend your Fragment

Because the Creative Writing is a Virtual Action, per the rules for Virtual Action:

Until a virtual action is resolved, it is pending. A Storyteller may cancel a pending Virtual Action by privately communicating to the Publisher their request to do so.

Creative Writings don’t get resolved until the Judging is posted, so you can cancel your Fragment and resend it at any time until the Judging is posted.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Proposal: Here Be Drag-ons

Timed out. Passes 2-0—Clucky

Adminned at 21 Jul 2024 02:22:49 UTC

Add “The drawing has been open for at least 96 hours” to the list “If, since the most recent Drawing action, any of the following are true:”

Add “The Judging has been open for at least 96 hours” to the list “If, since the most Open Judging post, any of the following are true:”